
It is hereby announced that our good man Raging Dave has re-enlisted for another six years in the United States Army.


You can go here to issue your Congratulations.

With his new contract, Dave has requested a new MOS which will mean transferring from his current location of “Isla de Shithole”.

Per Army regulations, the alphanumerical designation of his new occupation was transposed and it will take the highly trained military shaman-cryptographers approximately four to six weeks to discover just what Dave will be doing during the next two-thirds of a decade and where he will be training for it.

He is currently temporarily preparing for his new career as a 536-D (whose duties include using a pin to poke holes in the ends of straw wrappers so that recruits don’t lose an eye when they shoot the wrappers off the straws in mess hall). Oddly enough, these temporary orders came with a pair of oakleaf clusters, which majorly confused everyone within a thirty foot radius.

I have it on good information, however, that the arachibutyrophobic boot lace measurement expert’s assistant was ahead of schedule and has already flicked his gum at the map. And because the gum landed squarely in the middle of the Indian Ocean, that Dave will be being assigned somewhere on the eastern seaboard of the United States.

You fellows already over there will be gaining a pair of excellent citizens in Dave and The Raging Mrs. when his paperwork finally meanders it’s way through the Army Paperwork Misplacement System (APMS) and is delivered to his current CO via Yak caravan sometime before the supernova of star, Sol.

End Communication.

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4 Responses to Ten-Hut

  1. Ragin' Dave says:

    Well, I can see that you’ve worked with the Army before! Because that’s about as clear an explanation as I’ve ever gotten from HRC.

  2. He can’t be a 536-D. Army MOS designators use a two digit number, followed by a letter (there can also be additional numbers, to indicate pay grade, plus more additional numbers and letters for special skills, such as Airborne or Ranger).

    An example would be 11B, for Infantry, 13B, for cannon artillery (not 13M, which is MLRS) or 19D, cav scout.

    I think 536-D means he joined the (ch)Air Force.

  3. Ragin' Dave says:

    Actually, with the way HRC St. Louis is playing around, I would NOT be surprised to see an MOS of 536-D on my paperwork.

    I’ve got stories. Oh yes, I have stories to tell. The problem is that I don’t think anyone will believe them. You know the phrase “Truth is stranger than fiction”? Oh, yes. I have seen shit go on down here that just made me want to puke.

  4. dogtulosba says:

    Reading the oath?
    Sorry, I’ve had commanders that would castrate me for that. I’ve literally had, “Hey sir, I want to re-enlist right now and need an officer.” “Ok, when?” “Um, I said, now.

    Not to mention its hard to read on the tailgate of a C-130, or middle of a minefield on the north end of a major runway in Afghanistan.

    But that’s just me and I’m a nerd.

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