As you’ve probably heard already

The DNC Convention in Denver, CO is being held on August 24th, 2008.

That is the 40th Anniversary of the 1968 riots in Chicago.

My apologies to any Coloradians who may stop by, but I’m hoping that the results in Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island are a precursor to a replay of those riots, when Hillary supporters clash with Obama supporters in the streets over Florida, Michigan and Superdelegates.

But that is just my fetish for chaos coming to the fore.

In case you missed it on the wires yesterday, Obama’s campaign was comlaining that HRC’s Ohio campaign was running a radio ad that sounded like a legit radio newscast. Only the very last sentence gave it away. Script at this link.

Meanwhile, at various location in Texas, Obama supporters were refusing to let HRC supporters caucus. Also, local police had to be called in multiple precincts across the state to separate each side’s supporters and give them a time out. It seems that fistfights kept happening.

What was that phrase again? Oh yes, “Liberal Fascism”?

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4 Responses to As you’ve probably heard already

  1. Geoff says:

    I’m here in Denver, and I’m ready to repel looters… Or rioting demoncrats..

    Best thing that can happen is that HRC finagles the DNC nomination, and that Obamaramadingdong decides that his ego can pull the required votes.

    Now, I’ll grant you, that’s not ideal, Fred would have been ideal…. But it’s the best that can happen now…

  2. Geoff says:

    Uhm, yeah, I’m home with a cold today… Just re-read the post…

    What I failed to finish to say is that Obamaramadingdong goes 3rd party and it goes 30/30 HRC/OHB thus giving 40% to muckkain…

    Of course, this DOES all depend on the Electoral College….

  3. Darrell says:

    I live on the other side of the Palmer Divide from Denver, but I am fervently hoping for a repeat of the ’68 riots in Denver this summer! The Denver cops have a reputation for busting heads, I’d love to see that.

  4. Erik in Colo says:

    Gee, I hope not.

    The Dems keep talking about ‘Recreate 68’, but they keep quiet about the demonstrations and hickory shampoos that happened back then.
    Demonstrations in Denver would ruin that ‘progressive’ image Denver has been trying so hard to project.

    Rioting in Denver would make me _saaad_*.

    Erik in Colo.

    *laughing my ass off, as in Seattle WTO 99.

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