RNS Quote of the Day: 02/08/08 and More!

As you probably noticed, I accidentally published the QotD intended for today yesterday. What can I say, those are the results of blogging instead of sleeping

It seems that Senator Jim DeMint’s wish to take Berkeley’s federal cash away has spoken to folks. The item in question will be rewritten. I don’t think this will be enough for DeMint. Especially if the city doesn’t rescind the giving a parking spot right in front of the recruitment office to the Code Pinkos.

But this article has a quote I want to share exactly the problem Code Pink’s members have with understanding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I was under the impression that we have the right of free speech,” said Xanne Joi of Code Pink. “To me, I thought free speech meant you get to say what you want without recrimination.”

I believe that Ms. Joi is feeling persecuted. Sadly for her, she is not the City of Berkeley, nor is she a member of the city council. She and the group she belongs to may say whatever they want without recrimination, the city and their governing members (when acting in the official capacities) may not.

I have no problems with city, county or state officials telling the federal government where to stuff it. I actually kind of like it when they do that very thing. But when this happens, the federal government has every right, whether the city, county or state is right or wrong, to enact punishment. It is then up to the people to decide who is right and who is wrong. If the fed is in the wrong, then they have to apply pressure to get the punishment redacted. If the city, county or state is wrong, then they put pressure to give the officials responsible the boot.

But when the city, county or state picks on a branch of the armed services and its members in particular. And essentially label them murderers, and then give preferential treatment to a group that would do the same, there are going to be repercussions for the city those officials represent.

If Ms. Joi wishes for there to be no repercussion to the city, then she needs to find some support for them. Unfortunately for her mindset, which is about to hit the wall of reality at a velocity that is currently increasing by the minute, she is going to find that there isn’t much support for people, or cities, that label American soldiers, Marines, seamen or airmen, murderers.

I’d love to see the brainsplat when she finally arrives at this fact.

Let’s just hope that Code Pink doesn’t become the next North American Animal Liberation. The formerly “peaceful animal rights activists” recently firebombed a UCLA professors home. I saw this story earlier this week, but they finally got around to issuing a release taking credit for attempting to murder Edythe D. London and her family by burning their house down around them.

In other “Stupid Leftist Tricks” news, there is a Cripple Fight* currently taking place in the leftosphere.

If you have absolutely nothing else to do this weekend and are craving non-cerebral entertainment, get a load of the flame war going on between the moonbats of the dKos Animal Farm and Petting Zoo and the tinfoil-hatters of FireDogLake.

Subject: Is Obama a crooked politician?

*I’m justifying the call of “cripple-fight” due to their collective mental capacities, seeing as how the FDL folks aren’t really questioning his crookedness, they’re just pointing out weak spots in his record, which the Kos-tards are labeling “borderline slanderous”.

Watch and wait for the “R” word to come out!

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