Pooper Wednesday

Today’s RNS Quote of the Day, from the Iron Lady

Nothing is more obstinate than a fashionable consensus.

Margaret Thatcher

How anyone can vote for McCain is beyond me.

But alas, he did pull out a somewhat impressive victory yesterday. Romney is still not out of the game, but he has a lot of ground to make up, so he’d better do it quickly. I want a brokered convention more than I want my Marlin 1895GS.

I’m loving that Obama is giving HRC a run for her money, and that he has more money than she does. They’ll have a very entertaining brokered convention. I’m hoping for riots.

I have a question for you all and I would like wide participation so send your friends to help me out.

Who is more dangerous as a presidential candidate:

The idealogue who has ideas and will stop at nothing to enact them, no mater how stupid or dangerous the ideas are, or

The power hungry, but highly intelligent person who wants only to extend of their own power?

The former makes big steps, sometimes taking us all off a ravine, all the while telling how wonderful it will be at the bottom, where as the latter will take little baby steps into things, but only if it forwards their own benefit.

Answers will be accepted from now until 00:00 Monday morning. I’ll be thinking it over the whole while, taking in folks’ answers and give you my answer then.

So, I heard they ran out of Democrat ballots near San Francisco/San Jose because so many folks wanted to get in on the HRC/Obama race. Big Republican machine down thar?

Also, it looks like Seattle messed up Los Angeles’ elections. Well, not directly, but the guy who messed up the King County portion of the Washington State Governor’s race in 2004, also known as Dean Logan, is the guy who couldn’t get voting machines to polling places in L.A.

Youse guyz is welcome.

And lastly, the fourth instance of underwater international telecommunication lines being cut happened yesterday.

Maybe someone was out stump speeching yesterday and was unhappy that he wasn’t getting the votes he deserves?


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5 Responses to Pooper Wednesday

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Re: the severed cables. Jihadis can swim too, and Iran has some VERY quiet diesel subs to get them there. Think Iran vs. more moderate Islam here.

    Re: who will hurt you less. Clinton would hurt us less, since everything she does will be for sale, and sometimes the highest bidder will be corporate, not Socialist. With Obama, all the changes will be to further Socialism.

    That choice made, I don’t think we will have a choice. I think it’s going to be Obama, as the college kiddies finally get off their young butts and vote for him in droves. We raised them, but they’ve rejected our leadership, and this time, they will make that rejection stick.

    We’ll get Obama, and whoever he picks for his Veep. I doubt it will be Clinton now, because even Obama has to see that Bill will want to be the real Veep, and even a Chicago-machine pol knows that you don’t give your enemy the number two slot. I don’t think Obama fears Hillary, I think he feels he could control her, but I think he fears the BOTH of them, so no Madame Vice for us. It will probably be some dipwad like Kucinich.

    None of the above for me. I clean my guns, and wait for Armageddon.

  2. HKpistole says:

    IMHO, the idealogue who has ideas and will stop at nothing to enact them, no mater how stupid or dangerous the ideas are will be stopped by our system of checks and balances. That’s what it was designed to do, keep the “head-through-the-wall” man from ruining the nation. They may succeed in one or two things, but the damage will not get too out of hand.

    The power hungry person is more dangerous, for (s)he kills in darkness, and smiles harmlessly in the light.
    Irresversible damage usually has been done by the time this kind of person is found out.

    HKpistole has spoken.

  3. john says:

    I agree HKPistole.

    The power-hungry baby-stepper kills like a starfish, pulling consistently and every moment we relax they pry our rights away from us a bit more. The ideologue relies on diplomacy and consensus, and cannot achieve unpopular goals.

  4. Bob1 says:

    I’ll go against the flow. I think the “power hungry but intelligent” person might realize when it’s necessary to compromise; such a person might be willing to get less than 100% of what he wants, because he realizes that any gain is still a gain. Plus, if he’s intelligent, he may be smart enough not to consciously step on land mines.

    The idealogue, on the other hand, may make very stupid moves and not care who or what he dmages. Such a person would not be willing to compromise at all. To such a person, nothing is impossible if you’re not responsible for implementing the solution (which is what peons are stuck doing).

    A power hungry but intelligent person would probably stay within the law (you have no power in jail), but an idealogue may righteously ignore law if he feels it’s for the greater good.

    But all bets are off if we’re talking about Hillary, since both apply to her, right? “Power hungry idealogue?”

  5. Pingback: Random Nuclear Strikes » Still Undecided: Part Two

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