Oh Look!

New potential targets!

Vandals threw pieces of concrete with notes about “decadence” and the “ruling class” attached through the windows of four bank branches in Bremerton, police say.

Bremerton police spokesman Andy Oakley says officers responded to alarms at two banks about 4 a.m. Thursday and found the broken windows. They later found broken windows at two other banks.

In all four cases the bricks had the same note from “Social Youth Chaos.” The notes say the brick is part of a wall between the ruling class and working class and, the note says, “by flaunting your decadence, you have made yourself a target.”

Bank branches hit included a US Bank, Key Bank, Bank of America and Kitsap Bank. Damage at each bank was estimated at $500 to $1,000. No damage was reported beyond broken windows.

The attacks made some local residents uneasy.

Full text of the notes tied to the bricks can be found here.

It always starts with graffiti/tagging and then moves onto brick throwing. Then it escalates to fire and/or explosions as the group gains more members. Then the “leader” of the group loses control and the “members” start getting caring less about who they strike at.

That is how ALF/ELF started and now UCLA is demanding that the courts protect them from eco-terrorists

“Enough is enough,” UCLA Chancellor Gene Block said. “We’re not willing to wait until somebody is injured before taking legal action to protect our faculty and administrators from terrorist tactics, violence and harassment.”
The University of California’s Board of Regents filed suit in Superior Court in Santa Monica on Thursday, seeking a temporary restraining order and permanent injunctions keeping activists away from the researchers, university spokesman Phil Hampton said. The board oversees the state’s 10 University of California campuses.

Hampton said the suit specifically requests restraining orders and injunctions against the Animal Liberation Front, the Animal Liberation Brigade, the UCLA Primate Freedom Project and five protesters believed to be affiliated with those groups.

Jerry Vlasak, a spokesman for the Animal Liberation Press Office, said any pickets named in the suit have a constitutional right to protest. As for the underground protesters, he said they would not be intimidated by the lawsuit.

Perhaps I’m mistaken here, but UCLA might want to examine their staff and students while they’re wasting their time with the courts. It seems to me that their policies possibly helped create those who are hurting them?

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7 Responses to Oh Look!

  1. Rivrdog says:

    …and these anarchists (let the debate begin as to whether they are anarchists or just plain Marxists) will be handled just HOW by an Obama administration?


    Peepuls, it’s going to be a race to disorder to see which becomes the worst threat first under the forthcoming (D)onk administration, the Jihadis or the anarchists, or perhaps we will have a perfecta of the both of them running amok at the same time.

    Hmmmm, seem we wrote about that once each, didn’t we?

    (glances slyly at the gun safe in Blog Station Alpha)

  2. Mike says:

    That’s just a couple miles down the road from me. I was actually at that branch of Key Bank yesterday. I’m hoping that the police get these bastards quickly, before they escalate their use of violence. Never heard of “Social Youth Chaos” before. I keep saying that Bremerton’s not that nice a town, and this is a just another step down that path.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    Oh, I just noticed: “Police spokesman Andy Oakley”….you don’t ‘spose that his parents really wanted a GIRL who could shoot, did they?

    (this is what happens when I comment before coffee)

  4. Brass says:

    Five bucks says “Social Youth Chaos” is their name because they could make it into a cool graphic or, better yet, one of them already had the graphic.

  5. BobG says:

    Reminds me of some of the SDS jackasses I ran into when I first when to college back in 1969.

  6. Tbird says:

    These asshats at UCLA that want protection from these anarchists probably thinks it’s perfectly okay for Berkley to harass the Marine recruiters. Idiots all…

  7. emdfl says:

    And UCLA discovers that sometimes karma is a B**ch…

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