It’s Super Duper Tuesday!

Hillary’s cryin’.
Obama’s poll numbers are flying’.
McCain’s lyin’
Romney’s buyin’.

And I don’t get to vote for another two damn weeks!

Eh, no one I want to cast a vote for anyway. Hopefully they’ll still be more than one candidate in the race by the time it swings my way so I can mumble arguments with myself under my breath in the voting booth.

Both work and then physical therapy ran long today and I got nothin’ except an anecdote about one of my co-workers who just figured out that 40% of delegates to the Democrat National Convention are super-delegates and that primary and caucus voters ideas and decisions don’t really matter to that party.

To say he was unhappy would be an understatement.

You should have heard him after I pointed out that the votes of Democrat primary voters in Washington State don’t matter one whit to the state party. They look at it as a “suggestion” and then toss the delegates to whomever they want to.

You’d have though the state Dems shot his dog.

If you get to vote today, do so with vigor. Hopefully you aren’t voting against someone this early in the process.

Myself, I’m gonna hit the rack and wake up early to watch the returns come in over a meal of shrimp, scallops and clams. If I didn’t have to go to work afterwards, I’d pound down a Porter in the process.

Be good to yourselves folks.

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2 Responses to It’s Super Duper Tuesday!

  1. Kristopher says:

    Political Rule #1:

    If you want to influence your local party, you must participate in your local precinct committee and work your way in.

    These are the folks that ultimately decide who becomes the party candidates.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    Porter ‘n clams, yum!

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