Whadda Maroon!

As I mentioned last week, Stephan Sharkansy’s I-25 got many thousands of signatures and, provided that Ron Sim’s election office eventually gets around to unneccessarily confirming every single one of the signatures, it will be on the ballot this November.

The local Dems hate this fact. Their only public charge against it is that people were paid to collect the signatures, which must be an anathema to them: You know, people getting paid to work. Anyway, they’re starting to assail the Initiative in the local papers. Starting first in the Letters to the Editor, but once confirmed to the ballot, I’m sure they’ll be given plenty of space in the Editorial Section.

Recently this one hit the Seattle Times LttE:

When I read “Let the people decide who runs their elections” , by King County Councilman Reagan Dunn, R-Bellevue, I was aghast. “The people” have spoken up in the past about their elections, but it hasn’t seemed to matter to the political establishment.

The most recent example of this is that the “people” have spoken (time and time again) about how they want their primary elections to be party-neutral. Yet now Dunn says “the people” need to decide? How does he dare say such a thing?

After dismissing the will of the “people” out of hand over the primary-election issue, suddenly now these same “people” need to be involved? Either we are part of the process or we’re not. Pick one, not both.

I see red flags everywhere when any politician says “Let the people decide.” This may be a very important issue, but, in truth, I have a really hard time trusting any politician who has to invoke “the people.” Ever.

Let the people decide. Indeed.

Stephen Cole, Bellevue

Must be a Kerry voter: First he’s for “The People”, then he’s against “The People” Then he’s for them again? Maybe?

The people will decide, Mr. Cole. They will decide that they do not want some half-crocked King County Executive Office to run the elections department. 

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