Pacified Scots

There was a time when telling Scotsmen and women where they could enjoy a meal would have gotten you a swift kick in the balls.

Sadly, that time has long since passed.

Doctor and health workers have been banned from eating lunch at their desks – in case it offends their Muslim colleagues.

Health chiefs believe the sight of food will upset Muslim workers when they are celebrating the religious festival Ramadan.

The lunch trolley is also to be wheeled out of bounds as the 30-day fast begins next month.

But staff and politicians branded the move political correctness gone mad and warned that it was a step too far.

Bill Aitken, the Scottish Conservative justice spokesman, said: “This advice, well-meaning as it may be, is total nonsense.

“It is the sort of thing that can stir up resentment rather than result in good relations.”

The new guidance comes in the wake of the failed terror attacks on Glasgow and the death of suspect Kafeel Ahmed, 27.

Health chiefs in Lothian and Glasgow will give all employees time off to pray and to celebrate Eid, which marks the end of Ramadan.

But Greater Glasgow and Clyde as well as Lothian NHS boards also issued the advice, warning workers not to take working lunches, and said all vending machines should be removed from areas where Muslims work.

The very next line makes mention that none of these concessions are made for Catholics during Lent.

Of course, no one believes that a devotee to the Holy Trinity is going to blow up an office over a bag of Cheetos.

Membership (in the Muslim religion) has it’s privileges, I guess you could say.

Personally, I’m waiting for some jackass to suggest that Scotch not be consumed so as not to offend the Islamists.

There’ll be bloodshed, I promise you that.

Found @ LGF

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6 Responses to Pacified Scots

  1. tkdkerry says:

    Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim’rous beastie…

    How aptly the poet has described the current state of the Scots.

  2. DFWMTX says:

    “Personally, I’m waiting for some jackass to suggest that Scotch not be consumed so as not to offend the Islamists.

    There’ll be bloodshed, I promise you that.”

    Apparently you can’t consume or even carry Scotch or any other alcoholic beverage in Muslim-driven cabs, yet the Scots haven’t rebelled over that yet.

  3. BobG says:

    I’m getting worried about Scotland; it seems like the manly kilt is getting transformed into a dress.

  4. Rivrdog says:

    DFWMTX, from what I’ve read, that “booze in Muslim-operated taxis” fiasco is only in Minneapolis-St Paul, MN.

    From my days in nearby Upper Michigan, I can tell you that there aren’t many Scots in that part of the world.

    There are a lot of folks of Scandinavian descent, some Italians, but few Scots, and that is why there is little complaint.

    Listen to “Prairie Home Companion”, (the early shows, the new ones are full of Kool-aid drinking dogma) and you will know just how capable the Lutherans are of withstanding insult.

  5. Linoge says:

    Yet another instance of, “I am sorry that your beliefs are so weak that they cannot withstand mine being expressed.”

    I cannot say as though I am familiar with Scottish/British law, but this might be worth taking to court. If nothing else, this relentless kowtowing to the Muslims is only going to lead one direction, and rather than fighting it, we seem to be begging for it to happen.

  6. mech says:

    I guess I’d be eating a month o’ BLTs (Except I don’t like tomatoes, I prefer Avocados instead–So my statement would be BLA) and keep one in my pocket for anyone else who’s hungry.

    Linoge said it best.

    And it also shows the powers that be recognize the unstable and violent possibilities of moslems.

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