From China, Without Love

Chinese couples are restricted by law from having more than one child. This has led to an overabundance of Chinese males since daughters are not desired and are usually killed at birth so that the couple can try again.

Western eco-dweebies are quite fond of this idea of restricting birth rates, especially in those countries where those dark colored skinned folks live. So much so that they’ve created a group to lobby the UN to try and get them to pass birthrate restrictions in third world countries.

A British advocacy group is warning that compulsory restrictions on family sizes may become “unavoidable” if the Earth is to be saved from disaster.

The Optimum Population Trust, a group that advocates curbing global population growth because of humans’ impact on the environment, says that over the next 50 years, the planet will have to deal with the largest generation of adolescents and teenagers in history.

Many of these, the organization says, will be unemployed young men who, in their frustration over their situation, may resort to violence. This will add to the already overwhelming burden developing countries are facing as a result of population growth.

In a report released this month, OPT Co-Chairman John Guillebaud said that the United Nations projection of a world population of 9.2 billion in 2050 — up from 6.7 billion today — was a “highly optimistic” estimate and that the actual number may be “many more.”

The population of the 50 poorest countries in the developing world will double in size, a shift that will wipe out gains in agriculture, education and health care faster than they can be made, said Guillebaud, who is a retired professor of family planning and reproductive health at University College in London.

By 2050, OPT projects that the world’s population will be using the biological capacity of two Earths. It says this will lead to a massive population crash through a combination of violence, disease and starvation.

To prevent this, the report advocates a mix of government policies to prevent women worldwide from having more than an average of two children.

And I’m sure that they feel they’re being generous with that.

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3 Responses to From China, Without Love

  1. Rivrdog says:

    It seems that the Red Chinese are also after our babies.

    Report in the fishwrap today says a huge toy recall is in progress because the toys, all made in china, were painted with LEAD-BASED PAINT!!!! Lead-based paint, of course, has been a no-no everywhere kiddies can get their mouth on it for at least 30 years.

    So, they’ll put another manager up against the wall, smile at us and say “so sorry”.

  2. -B says:


    This whole thing scares me. Frankly, I’ll be old by 2050, 78 years old, in fact. If family history has anything to do with my longevity, I’ll probably make it that far, but by then, I’ll be too old to do much fighting, as that is exactly what this OPT group is overtly saying about the expected population.

    More worrisome than the fighting among the teenagers of the world is the specter of Big Brother (the Retard) telling everyone that they can only have two kids, or one, or deciding who can have them at all. Didn’t the Red Hot Chili Peppers have some Orwellian lyric in their song, Californication? Life imitating art?

    Remind me, when’s the revolution starting?

  3. stan says:

    God help us, my little wife would be totally disgusted by this. She is considering #6. This is what happens when the government is ask to fix problems and over run liberty for security. Founding fathers would run them out with King George.

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