Weather Isn’t Climate Change

That is the mantra of the Global Warming Death Cult whenever you present them with evidence of severe below average temperatures, such as the snowstorm in South America that has already killed three people with the first snows in nearly 90 years in Buenos Aires.

But oddly enough, whenever the temperatures are even slightly above average, it is of course “Global Warming, Arrggh!”

The wife was flipping through the channels yesterday afternoon and we stopped on ranter, Glenn Beck’s, TV show. He was talking with a member of the Death Cult’s middle management, John Kostyack from the National Wildlife Federation, about the wild fires (transcript here). Kostyack actually had the unabashed gall to state that it was global warming causing the fires and not 80+ years of bad environmental policies that built hyper-fueled fire zones.

Bad environmental policies based on the idea that humans needed to put out fires as soon as possible and must absolutely not cull forests of unnatural levels of underbrush and other combustibles.

Policies that were pushed by leading environmentalists of the day, who believed that they were absolutely, positively right.

Just like the environmentalists of today.

I bring this up because the Pacific NW is currently undergoing it’s yearly spell of 90+ degree temperatures. We usually get a week or two of these so-called “heat waves”, and sometimes the weeks aren’t even consecutive.

So, of course, I get to hear from every Death Cult member about how it is because of America’s CO2 production that this is happening. I usually let them grab the line and blather on for a bit about how we’re setting record temperatures, yada, yada, yada and how that is proof that the earth hates humans or some such nonsense.

But then I remind them about how we had record cold spells and record rains this year too. It is then that they tell me “Weather isn’t Climate Change”. Yes, after tirading about the hot, they admit that the cold and wet doesn’t matter, that is why it is called Global Warming.

And now the hook is set. I gently remind them that as hot as it is, we haven’t actually broken any records yet this year. Records that were set 40 to 60 years ago, so that must prove that the earth is actually cooling.

This almost always leads to a verbal release that amounts to “Phil is wrong because he is an idiot and I’m smucking fart”.

Sometimes, they just make it too easy.

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2 Responses to Weather Isn’t Climate Change

  1. Chris says:

    You’re right about the fires and the underbrush. We wouldn’t have so many problems if some of the fires were allowed to burn naturally. But the problem comes from people living closer to areas where there is a fire. So the immediate need comes from the local government (fire departments) to put the fires out ASAP to try and save lives…er, people’s property.

    The part that irks me is that some of these fires start from people being idiots. IIRC, the top three reported causes of human started fires is uncontrolled campfires, fireworks, and lit cigarettes not being put out. I hate driving on the freeways in summer to see burned patches of scrub brush from someone tossing a lit cigarette butt out their car window.

    As for global warming, shouldn’t we just point people to an almanac? There’s got to be one on-line somewhere. The highest recorded temp for July 11th in Seattle is 95 degrees F in 1960. That’s 47 YEARS ago. What’s funny is the recorded low is just 9 years prior to that in 1951.

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