Faulty Logic

You may not remember it, but in 1996 Congress passed the “Violence Against Women Act”. According to Wiki the act “provided $1.6 billion to enhance investigation and prosecution of the violent crime perpetrated against women, increased pre-trial detention of the accused, provided for automatic and mandatory restitution of those convicted, and allowed civil redress in cases prosecutors chose to leave unprosecuted.”

NOW called it “the greatest breakthrough in civil rights for women in nearly two decades”, which should give you pause.

Even the ACLU didn’t like VAWA, calling it “Troubling” and the pre-trial detentions “repugnant to the Constitution.”

In 2000, the SCOTUS found the “civil rights remedy” of the VAWA Unconstitutional and took it away.

Currently, the VAWA instructs local law enforcement to NOT reveal the immigration status of women who report domestic violence to any other agency, most especially the ICE.

Republican Senators Norm Coleman (Minnesota) and Pete Domenici (New Mexico) want to change that with Senate Amendment 1158.

And the NOW Cows are shitting purple twinkies about it.

Their logic runs that if women have to fear being rounded up by immigraiton autorities, that they will be lesslikely to report the crime committed against them.

Sadly, this is the same logic used in regards to crime by local municipalities more commonly called “sancutary cities” where the officers or deputies are not allowed to quesiton the immigration status of anyone, in fear that the illegal immigrant may not report a crime in fear of being arrested.

It is a faulty logic. The fear that the illegal immigrant faces in not the fault of the local municipalitiy or the officers responding to the call, it is the fault of the illegal immigrant for putting themselves in that position in the first place. If they had proper immigration status, also known as following the rules, they would have nothing to worry about. However, they took it upon themselves to break the law, and the pinch that they are in is one of their own making.

We’ve all heard the stories of the junkies who call the police to report that a dealer has ripped them off in a drug deal. These exemption laws would be akin to a statute exempting a crackhead from arrest when he calls police about a crooked drug dealer, and they make about as much sense.

Back in May, Coleman and Domenici brought S.A. 1158 up for a vote and lost by one single vote. Call your Senators today and tell then this will not do.

They should have learned something about what Americans want from their government during the vote on the Immigration Surrender Bill. “Sanctuary Laws” such as the one oncluded in the VAWA are not what Americans want.

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One Response to Faulty Logic

  1. Rivrdog says:

    “And the NOW Cows are shitting purple twinkies about it.”

    Incorrectimundo, compadre. The “NOW cows” ARE purple twinkies.

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