You Paid For It

So you might as well read it.

Paying taxes is a pleasurable duty

Paying taxes feels good, say researchers.

The surprising discovery, based on brain scans, can also predict which people are most likely to donate cash to charity.

Bill Harbaugh at the University of Oregon in Eugene, US, and colleagues gave 19 female university students $100, and told them some of this money would have to go towards taxes.

Each volunteer then read a series of 60 separate taxation scenarios involving $0 to $45 in taxes, knowing that one of the scenarios would be selected at random and the related amount be subtracted from their $100.

This is a product of the twisted world of academia.

“Hello, I’d like to receive a grant so that I can see if people enjoy paying taxes.”

The answer in the real world would be: “What, are you fucking nuts? No one likes paying their taxes”

The answer from academics is: “Why of course we’ll give you tax dollars, just like the ones that pay our salaries, to try and show that people like paying our salaries, ooops, we mean taxes.”

You’ll notice that they don’t tell you how much tax money went into this study.

You’ll also notice that the guy running the study only chose female students for the study and that their giving away the money stimulated the pleasure centers of their brains.

I guess I’ll have to word my next grant proposal more carefully when I talk about using the grant funds to bring college age women pleasure.

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3 Responses to You Paid For It

  1. Craig says:

    Not to mention that there’s a world of difference between “paying taxes” on money that someone gives you versus having money you earned confiscated.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    Is this any worse of a waste of taxpayer dollars than studying the specific gravity of six-week-old sour owl shit?

    I’d like a grant to study the effect on the gunny economy of making up my own ammo. The grant would have to be just big enough to pay for a new Dillon turret press, all the goodies which go with it, and an unlimited supply of components.

    Makes as much sense, no?

  3. Here’s the word from The Conservative Outcast at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon:

    Paying taxes DOES give you a feeling of satisfaction.

    You’re glad you’ve finally completed the painful, onerous task of filling out obtuse forms for another year. You’re glad to get a LITTLE bit of your hard-earned money back.

    That doesn’t quite balance out the disgust about the wasteful ways our elected representatives choose to fritter away our hard-earned tax dollars, though.

    Note to RivrDog: get the XL650, you won’t regret it.

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