Testes, Testes? 1. 2. 3?

The eco-socialists get downright testy when their Global Warming Death Cult Messiah, The Goracle, gets show to be a liar and his movie full of shit.

Last Wednesday, the Seattle Times featured an editorial wherein a local scientist absolutley kicked Gore’s claim that the snows on Mount Kilimajaro have disappeared because of Global Warming in the nuts.

You knew the claim was bullshit. I knew the claim was bullshit.

But apparently, some folks ate that bullshit up like pie and are now pissed about it.

Oh, they’re not pissed at The Goracle. No, they’re pissed at the Seattle Times. From the Letter’s section.

My, my, my! The smug self-satisfaction of the politically ossified Times editorial board telegraphs clearly in the editorial — preceded naturally by bold front-page coverage — trumpeting the possible mistake scientists and Al Gore made in determining the cause of Kilimanjaro’s decreasing snow cover.

Apparently, the conservatives at The Times will grasp at any little thing to throw sand in the face of scientists and the progressives who support them if it means they don’t have to face the numerous, glaring and very dangerous shortcomings of their own regressive ideas.

Bitter much?

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3 Responses to Testes, Testes? 1. 2. 3?

  1. Rivrdog says:

    This refutation of the Goracle was a necessary ploy on the part of some of the Cult scientists, who felt that hanging on to such a ridiculous claim by Gore would prevent them from floating any more climate change turds our way.

    Gore was such a putz to put that in, because when he did, he was told by his own GWFs (Global Warming F**ktards) that the snows of Kilimanjaro were a temporary icefield, since the freezing level rarely get down to that height at those latitudes.

    Gore was hoist on his own petard, and the scientists who have climbed aboard his bandwagon couldn’t afford to be caught in such a blatant lie, so they bailed on him.

  2. Bryan says:

    ossified? Wow! Must be a college educated! I am impressed.

  3. -B says:

    See how this is all polarizing about a political locus?

    If you dare to counter their arguments with science, good, hard science, which is nothing short of debate, similar to flat/round Earth arguments, you are castigated as being a heretic in the Gore camp, and, therefore, are an obvious shill for the “NeoCons” or whatever pejorative they care to insert here.

    This will end up with people shooting each other. Mark my words. It’s all looking very ugly, and is only going to get worse. More junk science is on the way. Go read the piece about “researchers” at U.Oregon who’ve supposedly “proven” that people actually like paying their taxes in some “study”. Where do you think this is will take us, with say, “universal healthcare” under an Obama or Hillary presidency? Mandatory mental evaluations on a yearly basis? Think about what that might mean.

    Scary stuff.

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