The Definition of Insanity

Is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

And because of that, I can right now declare Hillary Clinton “Insane”.

Clinton Calls For Pre-Kindergarten For All Children

Hillary Clinton proposed expanding pre-kindergarten classes to serve all of America’s 4-year-olds in a policy address today at North Beach Elementary School in Miami Beach, Florida, providing them with a high-quality early education that studies show leads to higher achievement and graduation rates and higher-earning careers. More than 80 percent of 4-year-olds are currently not enrolled in state pre-kindergarten programs.

Pre-kindergarten is a good idea. Those studies are more than likely correct.

Should tax dollars be spent to make it happen? Not a chance in hell. There is no federal mandate for it. It can be done for free by community groups, including churches, or by (gasp!!) the parents of the child, if they actually gave a rats ass about their child’s education.

But what makes it insanity?

Well, as Lee at Right Thinking pointed out, the voters of California, arguably one of the most “progressive” states in the union, turned it down not too long ago by nearly a 3-to-1 margin.

I pay for schools already. I have no children going to those schools, but I pay for them anyway. I see massive amounts of squandered cashola going down in a big school system looking swirling toilet, where there are more “administrators” then there are teachers, where students aren’t held to hardly any standards other than showing up, and where my tax money goes to send students and some of those administrators to racist conventions that focus on “White Privilege”.

Nope, I don’t want to pay any more money that will only go towards brainwashing kids whose diplomas don’t even qualify them to ring up my order at Jack in the Box.

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2 Responses to The Definition of Insanity

  1. ML27 says:

    Howdy All,

    1. Looks like another reason to homeschool. We’ve had great success there.


  2. - says:

    I think pre-kindergarten is the worst idea I have ever heard.

    I was reading, and I do mean reading full beginner books, at the age of 3. When I arrived at kindergarten, close to the age of 6 (fall birthday), I was amazed at the lack of skill the rest of the kids had. I thought they must all be retards, or something.

    I was bored shitless in grade school, and would pull out the World Book and read it after getting the lessons for the entire day done in about 20 minutes. Again, I often wondered how the other kids dealt with the same material, and found it so difficult.

    I was completely bored with school by the time I was 13, and it started to show. My grades took a dive in middle school, but only because I wasn’t used to actually working in the classroom, which was more about participation than actual acheivement. It was an adjustment that I made after a short talk with dad, but I was still pissed about the whole thing.

    High school was better, but only because there was finally some real challenge to it, and then there was sports. True, competitive sports.

    The whole mandated school thing was/is a complete joke, and always will be.

    When the Kraut and I finally get around to having one, our kid(s) will be home-schooled.

    Can’t wait for Hillary to outlaw it when she takes office in ’09. Who’s taking bets?

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