Yet More Proof

That the Democrats don’t care about your well being.

In late February, due to not enough space in the jails (because the WA Dems refuse to build more of them), the King County Jail system released 83 felons and/or sexual predators back onto the streets without so much as a “By Your Leave”.

A furor erupted from the populace and (Barely) Governor Gregiore told them to stop doing that. They really didn’t, they just let less violent felons and/or sexual predators out instead.

And now that program of “Way Too Much Good Behavior Math” has come to fruition.

Early-release felon held in Federal Way rape, assault

A felon who didn’t report to the Department of Corrections after being conditionally released from jail in February was arrested Wednesday in connection with the alleged rape of a former girlfriend and assault on her 3-month-old baby in Federal Way.

Thomas Bienville, 36, who has convictions for rape, assault and attempting to elude police, was one of 82 felons the Department of Corrections (DOC) released on Feb. 23 because of overcrowding at the two King County jails.

It’s unclear whether Bienville would still be in jail if he had not been released early. The maximum penalty for violating the terms of release is 60 days.

That last line is a lie. Do the math. You’ll see that this cretin was let out approximately six months early. If he would have violated his release terms the afternoon of his release (which is common. Criminals hang out with other criminals) he would still have been in jail in the first week of May.

The Washington State Democrat Party (they won’t be “Democratic” until they follow the democratically enacted laws of this country. Especially the Constitutional Mandates which say it is the government’s responsibilty to arrest, try and house criminals, no matter how many of them there are) does not care one iota about the safety of the common citizen.

Further more, they enact legislation to make it harder to defend yourself, and promote propaganda which stereotypes the folks who do want to defend themselves as ignorant rednecks and/or sociopaths.

They would rather jail a law abiding gun owner and strip them of their right to protect themselves with a firearm than to jail one single actual criminal for the full length of their sentence.

Cities like Seattle and counties like King, make getting your Concealed Pistol License as much of a pain in the ass as possible to discourage people from doing so. Then, when the market takes effect and citizens go outside their city or county of residence to apply for the permit because it is faster to do so there, the State Democrats enact legislation to require people to ONLY go to their city or county of residence.

Not one single NFA weapon or otem has been approved in King County is nearly two decades. If I remember correctly, Pierce and Snohomish aren’t far behind in their “roundfiling policy” of NFA application paperwork.

Not that that matters all that much, when the State Democrats passed the law requiring people apply for the CCW within their jurisdiction of residence, they also tacked on that while you could still “Own” NFA articles in Washington, you were not allowed to “Use” them. even if you did so out of state.

The only rights they care about are the right for illegal immigrants to vote, drive and live life in America unhindered; the right of those who have no drive to better them selves to your tax money, and their own right to tell you how much of your money is theirs and and to waste it on boondoggles like “Global Warming Coalitions” with Vancouver BC and mass transit that goes nowhere anyone wants or needs to go.

Fuck them.

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6 Responses to Yet More Proof

  1. wqbang says:

    Actually, getting a Concealed Pistol License in King County was a non-event. The office people were friendly, efficient and professional. This was in the King County Courthouse in downtown Seattle.

    Can’t speak for Seattle PD, as I don’t live in Seattle.

  2. Phil says:

    What you didn’t now, WQBANG, is that the CCW process takes all of 5 days. We’re you allowed to p/u you permit in that amount of time, or were you “required” to wait the full 30?

    My guess, as it has happened to everyone I know who had to go all the way into downtown Seattle to do this, even if they lived in the county region between Auburn and Milton, is that you were made to wait the full 30 days, and make two trips into downtown Seattle.

    That is the county’s SOP.

    Prior to 1996, a person in the previously mentioned county area could have gone to the small towns, Algona or Pacific, and applied for the permit. Provided the were a non-felon, they would have had their permit on a Monday if they had applied the previous Monday.

    That is how it should be done. Algona and Pacific made thousands of dollars per year prior to 1996 making it convenient for people got their CCW’s. King Co wantedthat money and wanted to discourage people.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    The Multnomah County Sheriff (my former boss) announced yesterday that he will end double-bunking in the jails, even in the cells which were designed for it. This cuts the jail capacity by at least 20%, and since the jail is always full, and all the Federally-held prisoners have priority, they will have to do the same thing down here that happened up there.

    All this while a new jail, completed 5 years ago at a cost of almost $100 million, sits idle and unopened because the County Mothers won’t give the Sheriff enough money to pay the troops to open it, and the Sheriff is too chicken to ask the voters for an operating levy.

    So, for me personally, this means NEVER leaving the house unarmed (even to a medical awards banquet for my daughter last night), and going to even heavier arms for forays into the worst parts of the city.

    The transit has an increasing amount of crime on it, and the only significant thing done recently was to assist the criminals by the ACLU pushing for, and getting, the removal of the right of the transit police to ban criminals from the system, one by one as they are detected.

    The softie judge said that the crooks NEED to ride the busses and trains because they can’t afford cars and most of them are suspended anyway.

    Tobacco Road.

  4. Bill says:

    That’s what I don’t get as well. Why not have a levy on the next vote for funding the jail? There’s always levies for schools or the Fire Dept. Hell, I know people of all political groups that would vote for it.

  5. I was under the impression that the Legislature had made new NFA arms illegal since 1994, and the AG’s interpretation had made them de facto illegal before 1991.

    Are you saying that the powers that be in KingCo, etc, won’t approve folks with grandfathered NFAs moving into their jurisdiction?

  6. Phil says:

    I may have the date wrong, but it may have been 1994 that they “district-ized” the CCW app process.

    As for NFA guns in King Co (and Pierce and Snohomish), no application for an “Any Other Weapon” or suppressor has been approved for two decades (and at least one for the other two). As far as I know, they have no power over grandfathered items other than to acknowledge your notification of residence in their county. I know of no one who has moved INTO King Co with these items in the last decade, though I know of a couple that have moved out (of the whole damn state in the mid-late 90’s).

    There is no recourse if your sheriff or other applicable official refuses to sign. They know this and all paperwork gets round-filed.

    This was common knowledge under Sheriff, now Congressman, Reichert and his replacement, Ladder-Cop Sue Rahr, seems to have no intention of changing the unofficial “policy”.

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