Why I’ll never be a Republican

I have a natural aversion to groups. Lemming-ism, is what I call it. Even if said group isn’t heading over the cliff at this particular moment in time, they will sooner or later. I’ll head over a cliff when I’m damn well good and ready, TYVM, and not when everyone else does.

Plus, there is the Group-Think mantra, where everyone has to say the same thing, the same way or else they’re subjected to everything from dirty looks to ostracism. And when the group does stupid things like back an idiot, even going so far as to talk about changing the Constitution so that he may rise into national politics, my spidey senses go off and I get weirded out.

When that idiot goes and does things like this, I want to ask all of those who wanted to change the Constitution for him exactly what the fuck they were thinking.

People who refuse to obtain health insurance could be tracked down by the state or a private contractor, enrolled in a plan and fined until they pay their premiums under one proposal Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s administration is considering as part of his vision for covering all Californians.

The proposal, which administration aides said was one of many the governor was considering, was presented at a meeting Tuesday with representatives from insurers, hospitals, doctors, business groups and consumer advocates.

It drew immediate criticism from critics of the central tenet of Schwarzenegger’s healthcare approach, which is to require all Californians to obtain insurance.

The whole mandated “heathcare” idea was insipid enough to begin with, but now to even consider an enforcement department makes me want to move the hand on my personal doomsday clock.

Yes, I know this is happeneing in California and not Washington; but what happens there makes its way here in just a few short years.

So go find a “Ah-nold for President” asshole and ask them “What the fuck were you thinking” for me, mmm-kay?

(Link found at Right Thinking)

Another bit of establishment politics that if find deserving of spite is when a decidedly Republican publication goes and says stupid things like this


Romney is the new Reagan? When the fuck did that happen? The guy is as bad, if not worse, than Ah-nold. He couldn’t position himself out of a paperbag. And if he did manage to come out as pro-this,that or the other, it probably wouldn’t be a fiscally conservative position.

Granted, last Friday Michael Reagan wrote a piece about how Fred Thompson is looking in the race (even though the guy isn’t even technically running yet), but it was just a fluff piece. While it wasn’t really negative, it wasn’t positive either.

But group-think is usually pretty rampant at NewsMax. Which is why you don’t see too many links from here to there.

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3 Responses to Why I’ll never be a Republican

  1. Steve says:

    Reading about the dumbass in Cahleefoanya makes me sick. You know they don’t track people down to make sure they’re paying their (state-mandated) car insurance.

    I concur on Romney.

    Not much insight in the M. Reagan column. You gotta figure that people like Rep Zach Wamp are working behind the scenes to set up the campaign apparatus.

    Judging by Robert Novak’s column that drudge linked to the other day, I’m guessing that the conventional wisdom is that FDT has contractual obligations through May, and then he’ll announce. They’re probably lining up contributors already.

    But seriously, how can you force people to have health insurance?? I guess when you want to make sure you have enough payers for your pyramid scheme…

  2. Raphiel Benjamin says:

    Ahnuld stopped being a Republican when he proposed that health care scam in the first place.

  3. yatalli says:

    A bit of the old Nazi coming out of Arnold in his old age?

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