Some words on the murders involving a firearm from yesterday

It was with a heavy heart that I tried to sleep yesterday after watching the news about the murders break. I say “with a heavy heart” as an American and as a firearms owner.

However, I do not say it for the reasons those who would disarm you and would appreciate.

I say it for the people who were murdered and injured by a man with a firearm. The people who were denied their Second Amendment civil right to self-defense by a college administration hell bent on making people “feel safe” while actually putting them in more danger. And on top of that, I say it for those people who were murdered and injured by a college administration so incompetent that they only sent out emails covering the early shooting, and then when their constabulary couldn’t find the murderer, took the campus out of lockdown and proceeded on with the course day.

Both of these gross mistakes led to the creation of ready prey for a homicidal person with a weapon.

Quickly, before any anti-civil rights leftard wanders on over here and tries to say that I am politicizing the event, please refer to this statement from the Brady Bunch. You may leave a comment only after I receive a CC of your email to the Brady’s, chastizing them for doing so. All comments of that nature without a proper CC in my inbox will be deleted without regard to your feelings. (FYI: email addys are at the top of the right hand column)

No substitutions will be allowed. Even if you write to Jabberin’ John Aravosis about the disgustingly written post calling for more gun control before I fell asleep, and his vomiting on the murder victims in this follow-up post comparing the number of dead at Virginia Tech to “a good day” in Iraq.

Update: Now that the police are letting loose with the identity of the vicitm and his murder weapon/s (most reports are saying two, but it is still a bit unclear). He was under the care of a doctor and taking anti-depressants, and therefor unable to purchase firearms. He somehow purchased at least one stolen pistol (its serial numbers having been ground off gives that away).

So I am sure that we will now hear the cry for harsher sentences for criminals who commit property crimes such as burglary and larceny from those whose hearts are bleeding for more gun control, right?. OK, that will never happen.

The comments from Pelosi and Reid have so far been without calls for new firearms legislation, but that would probably be just them finding an ounce of taste. This is going to be in the news for the next few weeks, and it will only get worse. All the headway we have made over the last six years may be in jeopardy.

When you talk to folks about this in the future, do make sure to point out that the state legislature of Virginia was in the process of finally giving them their civil right to self-defense, but it was stopped in sub-committee by gun bigots.

At the dKos Animal Farm and Petting Zoo, diarist “Deep Harm” is celebrating that this one piece of legislation that would have given these students and faculty the ability to defend themselves was shut down.

A couple of comments for your reading pleasure:

guns need to be entirely banned in my opinion. Republicans are absolutely sick people for trying to put guns on college campuses. NBC4 in DC tonight reported that some lunatic gun-nuts were arguing that only if other students had guns, this would’ve been prevented. Yeah, exactly what we need, firefights to settle scores at school. Un-freaking believable.

by heineken1717


The NRA doesn’t exist to maintain “gun rights” whatever that means.

The NRA exists to diffuse any legislation, thwart it, negotiate the teeth out of it, so that the legislation is pointless, but then let it become law.

Gun manufacturors are then able to peddle their unsafe products and make tons of money. Nobody’s “gun rights” are protected, and nobody is protected from “gun owners”.

I’d say put the top 100 NRA lobbyists and governing body in Gitmo. Shoot them until they realize guns are unsafe.

by JohnGor0

And if you want to see a textbook 2A discussion when the left is running the show, head on over to this post by Oliver Willis (Occupation: Toole). Straw men and hyperbole abound and all reasonable thought is treated as paranoia and other such madness. 

But the largest reason I worry that this may turn into America’s “Dunblane” is because of a conversation I had before leaving work this morning.

Quick update: Due to recent events at my place of employ, I no longer have “the Gun Bigot” for a boss. Before you celebrate, his replacement is a “Phil Bigot”. Maybe more on this in the future.

Anyway, one of my less than Second Amendment loving co-workers walks into my office and asks if I had seen the news about the murders (I label him as “less than 2A loving” because he is about as close to a gun bigot as you can get without actually giving $$$ to the Brady’s). He doesn’t like firearms, won’t hang around if myself and others are talking about them and is an all-around wet diaper whenever hunting season comes around.

After getting a negative response when I asked if he had known anyone involved or even over there, I replied that I did watch some of the coverage yesterday and he goes on to ask me what I feel about it. Having already read about the legislature’s attempt in 2006, I respond by saying that if VT hadn’t been a “gun free zone”, maybe the murderer wouldn’t have felt comfortable enough to kill multiple victims in multiple locations (the original dorm room murders, then across campus through four classrooms and a stairway).

I told him about the teacher at a law school a couple years back, though I do not remember the name of the school (leave links in the comments if you do), who stopped a former student with a firearm just by brandishing his own pistol after retreiving it from his car.

I should have known that I was being set up, but I said those things anyway.

My co-worker cut loose on me, shouting that it was people like myself who are responsible for these murders. By demanding our civil rights (though that is not what he called them), we now all have 32 more sets of blood on our hands.

While not exactly shocked at this, I was abit taken aback as he is normally a level-headed sort of fella.

He then went on to yell about how more firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens (though that is not what he called us) would only lead to more shoot outs over seats in theaters and other such nonsense.

It was as though he had spent the night looking up and memorizing every single bit of gun bigot propaganda. Then, when meeting his first known “gun-nut” of the day, felt the need to fire the bigot-cannon at them.

When he finally got done yelling in my general direction, I said just about exactly that. I completed my return statement by asking if he was going to be safe to drive a 60,000 truck that day if he was going to be this over-the-top at 0500 in the morning about something that happened the day before and in no way involved him.

Just as I was finishing my statement, another of our co-workers, also a driver, came into the office, stating that he had heard the shouting and wanted to make sure everything was OK. I explained that the first driver was just telling me about how recent events had upset him and we were discussing the possibility of him going home for the day.

He did end up going home, and I’m expecting an apology tomorrow morning, though I’m not sure I’ll get it. I know I should have stuck to facts and not questioned his mental stability so blatantly, but I don’t really give a shit right now after that.

This guy is going to vote for whomever he is going to vote for. I’m not out to change minds of the mentally feeble. I don’t have the time or the energy these days. The company AR Build Club is still ongoing with a first build target date of mid-May, and has even expanded to include two more enrollees.

I’m not sure if yesterday’s events pushed the guy over the top of something that has been building, or what; but if other gunnies are having to deal with people like this, it makes me worry more than just a bit.

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6 Responses to Some words on the murders involving a firearm from yesterday

  1. Martin Sims says:

    We could be talking about the need to get tougher on domestic violence, or about how to better identify mental illnesses that could result in the injury or death of innocent people. We could be talking about a general alarm system that could be implemented campus-wide to immediately alert the staff and student body in such emergencies so that the people being directly affected would know to either hunker down and bar themselves in or evacuate the campus. We could be talking about making such large and public institutions prepare a link to any video/audio monitoring equipement so that police can immediately see or hear who, what, where and as a result be better able to respond to intruders exhibiting deadly intent.

    Blaming guns will not prevent this type of crime from happening again. Just as blaming the car would not prevent a drunk driver from getting behind the wheel again. We need to have a honest look at practical measures that will allow for rapid alert and effective response on all school campuses in our country.

  2. DirtCrashr says:

    I wish I had a company AR Build Club! 🙂 When he fired the bigot-cannon he was wallowing in a paroxysm of unstable self-indulgent self-righteousness. It is the unstable and those poor in spirit de-stabilized souls who project their nerve-wracked fantasies on the rest of us and make demands that we indulge ourselves in their childishness.

  3. Texas Red says:

    The incident you mentioned is here.

    thanks to “Right Thinking From the Left Coast”

  4. David says:

    At lunch today I watched a reporter describe his interview of the FFL dealer who sold the shooter the murder weapon (apparently a Glock 19). Apparently whatever system that exists for inputting “mentally unstable” into the instant check computers was as ineffective in Virginia as it was in California a few years back when one of my law school buddies was hospitalized for attempting suicide, then got out and bought a gun and tried it again.

    I’m not quite so worried, Phil. Unlike past shootings, most of the coverage I’ve seen has actually been fairly even-handed. A pair of CNN anchors spent quite a few minutes pointing out that more handgun controls wouldn’t have done a thing to stop this guy (for example, he outwaited the VA “one-gun-a-month” law to buy the second gun) and ultimately he could have just sidestepped any handgun restrictions and gotten a long gun instead.

  5. Rivrdog says:

    Since I don’t believe in “it goes without saying”, I’ll say it: get out and complete all those semi-auto purchases AND those magazine purchases NOW!!!!

  6. Linoge says:

    Unfortunately, I had been hoping to postpone my purchase of the M1A until after my impending move… I am starting to think that may not be the best course of action. Since I am moving to an anti-self-defense county in California, purchasing a concealed-carry weapon would be pointless, but something tells me that anti-gun-freaks are not going to be discriminatory in their ire.

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