When I say “Chocolate Jackass”

Who is the first person to cross your mind?

If you said New Orleans Mayor, Ray Nagin, you will an early chocolate Easter rabbit. To claim the prize, go to your local retailer who is selling the item and buy it your self with my blessing. There is no such thing as a free chocolate Easter rabbit.

And there is no such thing as getting your abandoned shit rebuilt for free either.

Nagin made comments at the end of last week that the “Slow recovery of New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina” was a conspiracy by white folks to run the black folks out of town. Now, if that ain’t some hate speech, I guess I don’t know what is.

Let me just fill you in on something you probably already knew, but may not have known you knew.

If you don’t show up to apply to get your N.O. house rebuilt, it ain’t gonna get rebuilt. The reason why some neighborhoods are still in shambles and haven’t been touched is because no one who previously lived in that neighborhood cares enough to go back to N.O. to get the rebuilding moving.

I’ve got co-workers who have made rotational trips down there to work, picking up the debris and driving it to wherever it is going that week and other drivers who had family there telling me about how their relative would call and talk to friends who did go back. They ask if they’ve “started in on rebuilding the neighborhood yet” and when the answer was no, they’d bitch and moan about it. Otherwise they’d just go about their lives in the Seattle/Tacoma area or wherever they ended up. After a few months of waiting for someone to do something for them, they just gave up and stayed where they were at.

No attempts at contacting the fed for assistance in getting their shit put back up so they could move back, no seeking out a loan to rebuilt their shit on their own, and definitely no actual going back to see what they could do for themselves.

I use the word “shit” because they apparently don’t care enough about it to want it back. That is the definition of “shit”, right?

I could not imagine “waiting” for someone to rebuild my house for me from across the country. But then again, I couldn’t imagine living below sea level.

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