Well, of course they are

They’re money hungry pigs.

State to join drive to tax online sales

Washington will join other states pushing to have Internet and catalog companies collect and distribute sales taxes.

The state House voted 76-15 Friday to authorize the state to join the project. The bill has already passed the Senate, so it now heads to Gov. Christine Gregoire’s desk.

Gregoire, who requested the measure, said Friday that it “levels the playing field between in-state and out-of-state retailers.”

According to the state Department of Revenue, more than 1,000 companies that sell products in multiple states have voluntarily agreed to begin collecting and distributing sales tax to any state that passes legislation to become a member of the Streamlined Sales Tax Project.

The project was started in 2000 by national tax and government associations, including the National Conference of State Legislatures and the National Governors Association.

So far, 21 states have passed legislation to become full members of the project, said Cindi Holmstrom, state Revenue Department director. She said the coalition was working to streamline and simplify sales-tax laws.

“We think this is the right thing for Washington state,” Holmstrom said.

There isn’t even a picture included with the article and I can still see the dollar signs in their eyes.

Are consumption taxes a good thing? Sure, they’re probably one of the better ways to gather tax money known to mankind. But if Washington State isn’t going to do things to attract more online and catalog businesses, then they should not be allowed to bind those businesses, at the point of a gun mind you, to collect their tax dollars.

If this passes, a National Sales Tax will be next. And if you think they’ll ditch the National Income tax when they bring that online, put the bong down and come join us in the real world when your buzz goes away.

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