From a member of the party of Gun Control

“Blue Dog” Democrat Senator, Jim Webb After one of his aides gets caught bringing his pistol onto Capitol grounds

“I’m not going to comment in any level in terms of how I provide for my own security.”

Oh really, Senator?

Yet you, Senator, and your party want me to lay out, very specifically I might add, just how I plan to do so. You want the make, model and serial number of each and every firearm I own and will ever purchase, handed over so that you can “fight crime”?

Excuse me Senator, but am I a criminal in your minds?

Does my hobby suggest to you that I am planning to commit a crime?

Why, exactly, should I be made to submit to a background check of any kind before I purchase a firearm? Are you presupposing that I will break the law with said inanimate object if I am not made to “Think Twice” before the handing of my money to the seller?

Fuck you, Jim Webb. Name one pro-civil rights bill on the subject of firearms that you have written and/or sponsored. Just one. Oh, so you’re new to the Senate. Ain’t that grand. I can’t see any reason why that would have stopped you from at least writing something up and passing it around.

I guess that voting to cut off funding to the men and women in Iraq, raising my taxes and promoting “The Democratic Agenda” comes before your service to the citizens of this country whose civil rights have been under attack from your party for the last fifty years comes first. I guess that you’re not one to “break from the pack” then?

Well that gets you absolutely nothing here, because your “pack” are the ones who would make it so that only people such as yourself and your staff can own firearms, period. Just like they ruled that only you and your staff can bring firearms onto the grounds.

You go to jail, because it was your gun. Your staffer goes to jail because it was loaded. See how you like being jailed for breaking the idiotic double secret voodoo hex handshake rules your party has negotiatied to keep people from protecting themselves.

In the real world, we have to deal with insipid rules such as “cartridge capacity” and “barrell length” and even “volume level”.

Asshole. If you and your staffer don’t to jail time, it will just be proof that you approve of the rules for you and your staffer that do not apply to anyone else. I can’t enter the District itself with a firearm without facing criminal charges. You need to feel the boot as well.

Maybe then you’d get off your “I’m a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment” ass and see how the rest of America lives and do something about it.

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2 Responses to From a member of the party of Gun Control

  1. Rivrdog says:

    I wonder what the Trejbal, Renegade Reporter from Roanoke will say about this?

    Wanna bet he says nothing at all?

  2. Steve says:

    We should all follow this case closely and be sure to raise holy hell if this guy doesn’t get the full extent of the law enforced, because if the rest of us did this, intentionally or not, as you pointed out, we’d be screwed. And the “people who tell us what we are free to do” would certainly hold us accountable for knowing the laws that apply.

    You know that the ruling class in the other side of Congress is contemplating a gun ban (HB 1022). I would hope Senator Webb would buck his party and lead a “blue dog” rebellion on this.

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