Just who are they voting for over there

Castle Doctrine fails in, of all places, Montana!

House reverses itself on right to brandish guns

The House, under pressure from law enforcement groups, reversed itself on a proposed law that would let residents brandish a firearm if they felt threatened.

The House rejected the measure on a 50-48 vote Friday, a week after first endorsing it on a 57-43 vote.

The proposal also would have clarified law to specify that gun owners don’t have to retreat from a would-be assailant before shooting in self defense.

Critics argued that it would give criminals new legal loopholes and make the streets more dangerous for police.

Rep. Brady Wiseman, D-Bozeman, accused Republican backers of caving to the gun lobby. “You Republicans are playing with a devil’s game here,” Wiseman said. “This bill will let killers go free. Have no mistake about it.”

The bill was supported by gun rights groups who have pushed the legislation, often called a “no-retreat” law, in other states.

After it was endorsed last week in the House, it was sent back to committee for adjustments, in an attempt to ease the fears of the law enforcement community. One new provision would have clarified that a gun owner could not brandish a weapon at a police officer.

First off, a Democrat in Bozeman? Must be the Californian section of town voting for that jackass.

Secondly, you’d think that it is already illegal to brandish a firearm at a police officer.

Lastly, dammit, Idaho is looking better all the time.

Found at Alphecca

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2 Responses to Just who are they voting for over there

  1. AughtSix says:

    “A Democrat in Bozeman?”

    Yeah, Bozeman’s a hippy town. I’d live there in a heartbeat, as it’s a lot better than living near DC, but it’s a bit more liberal than most of Montana. Their version of Orvis (on the hippy main-street, no less) sells handguns, however. And, unlike my first choice, The-middle-of-nowhere, Montana, I might be able to convince my wife to move there someday.

  2. llanok says:

    First, you’re not quite correct. The law has passed the house, and been transmitted to the Senate. It was ‘re-considered’ the day after it was shot down 48 to 50–It looked to me like 2 of the reps who were absent and didn’t vote on 2/23 asked for a do-over. On the 24th, the vote was 51-47 in favor. On Feb 27 it passed the house 57-42 and was sent to the senate. Unfortunately, the MT senate is Dem controlled, and it probably will die there.

    Second, Bozeman is overrun with liberal GFWs from Seattle and Commiefornia. It isn’t quite as bad as Missoula, but it is getting there. I lived there for 10 years, but eventually had to move because I just couldn’t afford to live there any more. It’s too bad, because it is a beautiful location.

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