It’s a Human Rights violation, I tell ya!

So I get to work yesterday even ing and I’m logging into my computer, same as I do every damn day. I click the IE icon so that I can fire up the GPS program and get that portion of my day out of the way and I get a screen telling me that my employer is blocking my homepage.

I bound about, clicking on a few links and everything is blocked. I fire up the not-up-to-par-with-management Firefox page and get the same deal.

I go to the page required for the GPS program and it comes up, but very slowly. It is as if every single bit of that page is being scanned with a magnifying glass by Bulah Ballbreaker. It finally comes up and I get to work.

Lunch time, I wander around again, and even get two or three successful page loads of other sites, but no more RNS at work and very little of much else.

This will be a problem for a week or so until I get a new workaround in place. This isn’t the first time they’ve done this, but I’ve never had RNS blocked before, so it may be a while before the IT crew in our national HQ rebel and drop the blocker.

Somebody or a group of somebodies got caught doing something very bad, since that is always what preceeds this. Last time it was the MySpacers spending all day being each other’s “Friends”. Before that it was someone using the company computers to make some extra cash as a spammer.

I hope this time it is a porn related offense. Those are always the funniest.

I know it wasn’t anything to do with my Sunday post because there is no way they could get the URLs for the GPS pages (each division has their own) to the IT people to make sure it wasn’t blocked in one day. That probably took at least most of last week.

But from what I’ve been able to find out, this block is nationwide and company-wide. It orginiated where it always does, at Nat HQ. But the problem with doing that it means that no one, not even the IT gods at HQ can get out, and that really annoys them. So they slowly but surely start dropping portions of the blocker. But that could be weeks, so I’m figgering out a workaround.

In the mean time though, I will not be able to read on my lunches and breaks, which may limit the amount of total blogging material I am able to process for here before I have to pass-out for the day. I read and collect links at work and then come home and do my posting. Missing the first part means I’ll either have to bring books (could be a plus) or write more original stuff (could be a minus, since I’m an asshole).

But, I’ll start with the revising of the By Ourselves Series of posts and work from there until I get my workaround to take.

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2 Responses to It’s a Human Rights violation, I tell ya!

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Skip the purchase of your next gun/scope, and buy a new, low-end laptop for about $500.

    That is the ONLY solution that will work, and what’s more, it gives you insurance against “misuse of company computer” charges, which, at some point, some IT weenie with a pecker shorter than the diameter of his wristwatch dial, or a peeved boss will level at you. Downside is that you’ll have to buy some sort of ISP service to plug into, but $10/mo for Earthlink or NetZero won’t break you.

  2. You remind me of why I work for myself and also alone… damn Communists!

    Having gotten in the habit of stopping over here at your blog and reading at lunchtime, I think you may be interested in this repulsive dissertation. Don’t go to read it if you are already in a poor mood… it is NOT going to help. Just spreading the misery…

    Oh, BTW, I couldn’t keep my typing fingers quiet about it, either. I sure am getting fatigued with these whiners.

    Please keep up your great work.

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