That is what you get

When you hang around retards all day.

Due to the sheer number of “9/11 was an Inside Job” posts at the dKos Petting Zoo and Animal Farm, The Man himself had to post the following:

DailyKos accepts that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by agents of Al-Qaeda. It is forbidden to write diaries that:

1. refer to claims that American, British, Israeli, or any government assisted in the attacks

2. refer to claims that the airplanes that crashed into the WTC and Pentagon were not the cause of the damage to those buildings or their subsequent collapse

Authoring or recommending these diaries may result in banning from Daily Kos.

In my own little part of the world, I have been edging closer and closer to the belief that the reason the left doesn’t support killing terrorists is because, somewhere in the back of their pointy, little, tin-foil covered heads, they are all Fox Mulders: They want to believe the Truthers.

Because Bush/Cheney are soooo eevviill!

Found at The AoSHQ

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3 Responses to That is what you get

  1. DFWMTX says:

    Kos not drinking the conspiracy Kool-Aid is surprising. If Kos accepts 9-11 was done by al-Qaeda, who knows? maybe he’ll come to accept Saddam Hussein was worthy of death for his crimes against humanity and the Iraqis should have a shot at democracy.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    Don’t get ahead of yourself there, DFWMTX. Kos is just as screwy as ever, but he’s just trying to polish up his image, probably at the request of MSNBC or one of the Big 3 Networks, which feature his blog more and more these days.

    He’s got to lose enough of the Kool-aid image to at least appear to be “mainstream”. Image is everything to the Donks for the next year and a half. They know that if they want total control over the three branches, they will have to lose the lunatic fringe.

    The problem for us realists though, is that the entire Democrat Party is lunatic fringe.

    I’m thinking of using Huffman’s Postulate: boil it dow to “What is the One Big Question?”

    For me, the answer to Huffman’s is easy: “Do you support the United States being governed according to it’s Constitution?”

    Between now and election Day, 2008, I will be posing that question to every (D)emocrat Party candidate. If they answer “Yes”, I will serve them with a copy of their platform which will show the parts which are unconstitutionsl. If they say “No” (none will, they are mostly liars anyway), I will accuse them of treason to their face, and remind them that every cop and every soldier, sailor and airman is sworn to defeat them, and that’s a lot of armed people.

    It’s all about the Constitution. When any political debate is brought back to the Constitution, the leftist position falters badly as to it’s logic and strength of proper purpose. I can count the number of Leftist Constitutional scholars on the fingers of one hand.

    So, our position is to bone up on our Constitution, and be prepared to defend it, first in political debate for the next 22 months, then by force of arms after that, most likely.

  3. David says:

    “I don’t want to believe. I want to KNOW.”

    — Carl Sagan

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