Not Quite the Quote of the Day

I have been letting the QotD go during these holiday weeks, mostly due to sheer sloth, but I’m going to bring it back anew today.

Today’s “Quote” is the introduction to Chapter Six of Boston T. Party’s “Boston’s Gun Bible”.

The chapter is titled “Women and Guns” and is very poignant and informative.

The Baron du Toit once wrote a piece that got him delinked by dozens, newly-linked by the hundreds, and talked about for weeks titled “The Pussification of the Western Male”.

This chapter introduction follows along some of those same lines, only its main purpose is to try and convice women to arm themselves.

Give it a try below the fold:

Women & Guns – Boston’s Gun Bible – Chapter 6 – Boston T. Party

Statistically, women have a 50% chance of being a victim of violent crime by age thirty. This predatory environment is the result of too many men abdicating their duty to protect women against society’s nastier elements. I don’t mean that women cannot protect themselves. My point is this: Why should they have to? They shouldn’t have to any more than they should have to change their own oil. Yes, they can do it, but they shouldn’t have to, and there is a difference.

Ladies, you are much finer creatures than we are. You are too precious and lovely for such crude tasks. Let us change the flat tires, put out the forest fires and defend the borders.

Rabid “feminists” (i.e., the men-hating kind) are no doubt shrieking at this point. “We’re liberated!” they bellow. “We don’t need men to protect us!” Technically, they’re right, they don’t. But that is not the issue.

Women who seek equality with men lack ambition. Be careful what you ask for. In the Soviet Union, men and women were equal. The Socialist State recognizes only “citizens” and women join men in all the grimy chores. Women fix sewer pipes and change truck transmissions along with the men. And they looked like men because of it. Civilization, random beauty and elegance died there, and that is the vital issue. Women can do a man’s job, but men cannot do a woman’s job. It is just not in us.

Jeff Cooper wrote “Men are here to protect women, and women are here to civilize men.” When women are consumed with a myriad of coarse chores which men should bear, they have little time or energy or inclination to civilize men. My other point is this: Women can more easily protect themselves then men can self-civilize.

“So?” Well, when men are not civilized, society becomes a beer-swilling trailer park. Left to our own canine devices, men will regress to the raunchy raconteurs and methane dispensers we are at heart. While often dissatisfied with men, women don’t realize that they themselves are the solution. Men don’t make men, women do. Women determine the quality of men. As Louise told Thelma, “You get what you settle for.” If women would quit having the children of oafs and morons, then they’d die off. Women are the lifeguards of the gene pool and they should start choosing quality mates, as critters have always done. Women have been debased so as to give oafs better odds. The question is, why have women allowed their debasement.

Ladies! Do not speak to, date, sleep with or marry a hopelessly sub-standard male. Don’t encourage him with the slightest of smiles. He shouldn’t exist, so treat him that way. Above all, do not have his children! If he can’t catch an introspective clue, then let him die alone; let his shoddy genes be lost forever. Do not feel sorry for him. This is not cruelty, this is quality control. You’re responsible because men will sleep with almost anybody. We’re the seed-sowers and it is not in us to be picky. You’re the child bearers, so you have to be selective.

When women refuse to civilize men, men become Al Bundy from Married with Children. Why? Because inside every man is a potential Al Bundy, and it is women’s duty to ensure that he never sees the light of day. Although men can, with rare and great effort, single-handedly keep their own Al Bundy locked up, what is the point if women no longer seem to care?

Believe me, we can tell if women care. They don’t, and they’re reaping the cruel justice of getting the lazy, irresponsible worms they deserve. Ignore genuine courtesy, honor, and responsibility in men, and women get prissy, whining, amoral cowards. Fill up a nation with such males, then a country is left with only bi-gender women, and the predators begin to take over. Courting Darth Vader, the feminized society then cries for a hyper-masculine police state to restore order. When gentlemen are gone, government thugs fill the vacuum. This trend has been accelerating in America since the late 1960s.

Men will be responsible, honorable and even heroic, if women encourage and respect us for it. We need it, for we cannot forever run on our own meager batteries. Granted, no man is emasculated without his assent, but we cannot fight the relentless onslaught on manhood without women’s help. A dime’s worth of respect and approval from ladies gets a dollars worth of effort from us. Men are the draft animals of the human race, and we work cheaply. We’re built that way and don’t mind shouldering the yoke of human existence. But we do need at least that dime, and we’re getting pennies.

Ladies are not silly froth. Gentlemen are not brainless brutes. We are made to compliment each other. But, until men are respected for their manhood so that they clean up our streets, American women, sadly, should daily carry a handgun.

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