New ID Laws in Effect

The Poor (and Canadians) Hardest Hit!

Seriously, that is the essence of this post at leftist hate-monger, Dave Neiwert’s, site.

According to the Pew report, the new federal ID standards are also wreaking havoc at social service agencies, as people who apply for public assistance are going for weeks without heat and food — or losing their homes entirely — while they order newly-required birth certificates and wait for them to arrive in the mail.


Up here in the great frozen north, the news headlines for the past few days have dominated by stories of people queueing up at Canadian government offices at six in the morning to apply for passports. The reason for this sudden rush? On January 23, a new Homeland Security rule will require all Canadians boarding flights going through US airspace to show a passport. (They’ll also be required at land border crossings starting later this year.) Which means that Canadians who’ve long been used to coming and going throughout North America on the strength of a birth certificate alone are suddenly going to be grounded if they don’t get that little blue book. This has created (polite, Canadian-style) mass panic at passport offices from Victoria to Halifax, and is threatening to stall the migration of quite a few of the snowbirds who would otherwise be heading off to Florida or Arizona this time of year.

This post was written by Neiwert’s co-poster “Sara Robinson”, who is an American ex-patriot. She left after one of the national elections didn’t go the way she wanted it to, and now she sits in BC, Canuckistan, whining about “how fascist America is becoming”.

While she still holds citizenship here, I would like to know just what her tax status is and how much she sends to the US Fed here. I suspect it is in the “little to none” category, which may account for her apathy at the giving away of US Citizen tax dollars to just anyone who shows up.

While I am absolutely no fan of the “Real ID” program or a friend to anyone who longs for a “National ID Card”, I cannot see why having to present your ID to vote, another topic which she touches on in her screed, is such a burden.

I also wonder why people having to show ID to register so that they can get money from the state is such a problem for leftists like her? Get them on a roll about fraud and they’ll bitch all day long, but making people prove: 1. That they need it, and 2. Who they are (you know, things that will stop the fraud) is abhorrent to those on the left.

One final, and rather funny note, about “Sara Robinson” is this: She is actually studying to be, get this: “A Professional Futurist”.

If you don’t know what a Futurist is, then you don’t listen to enough Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and Art Bell. Basically, they sit around and think of what the world might be like “in the future”. Yeah, really hard stuff.

I was an Amateur Futurist in high school. During my second year Electronics class we would listen to our boomboxes at the workstations while we built projects or repaired school equipment. One day, in frustration at having a CD (new technology then) skip because of a scratch, I held up a memory chip and told my partner “Someday, we’ll just be buying our music on these things”.

And lo, we now have thumbdrives and MP3 players. Damn I’m good.

Sorry “Mrs. Robinson”, but with your whining, I’m rather glad you moved away. Just stay away, won’t you?

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2 Responses to New ID Laws in Effect

  1. Mugwug says:

    Ah fer pities sake.

    The writing was on the wall, and the announcements were made ages ago up here about passports and the US border.

    Personally I’ve long kept my passport valid just because it makes things easier crossing the border, and this became an essential after 9/11 and the ensuing changes in cross-border travel (lord knows 9/11 saw the end of me taking a few boomsticks down to Texas with me when visiting my brother and his wife).

    I, my wife and our daughter have valid passports. In this, as in so many things, it’s better to have them and not need them, than to need them and not have them.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    The Real ID Act is just a payback for the Donk’s supporting of loose election laws so that they can siphon off votes that they shouldn’t get.

    This is the actual root of the gripe against it. Those states which don’t actually have you prove who you are, which means proving your age, place of birth and actual residence, before issuing you a State ID are now declared to be in violation (later this year or early next year, I’m not sure which).

    Being in violation means that such ID cannot be accepted for any Federally-controlled purpose. Where the Real ID Act will bite the worst, of course, is in banking. The banks will be forced to (1) stop asking for ANY ID when conducting transactions (at which time they become liable for all fraud) or (2) ask for a proper, Federally-approved ID (passport for all the people living in the 10 affected states, including OR).

    The rule can’t be waived, but because it really WILL cause a slowdown in fraudulent voting for Donks, I look for the Donk Congress to either repeal the law outright, or water it down so that the 10 states can continue to rely on their bogus ID.

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