If ever there was proof

That the Democrats hate you as a citizen and hate the Constitution as a founding document…

It is this:

Today, in H.R. 1, Democrats will bring legislation to the House floor supporting the transfer of responsibility for a critical national security program to the United Nations. House Republicans will offer a motion to block it.

The Democrat bill supports placing the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) under the purview of the United Nations. This 9/11 Commission report recognized the PSI as an effective program and suggested it be expanded – the Commission did not recommend placing PSI under the UN or any other multilateral regime, nor did it suggest it needed to authorized explicitly in international law.

The PSI is a critical national security initiative – organized by the United States and involving a number of countries – that uses diplomacy, intelligence, and other counterproliferation tools to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The PSI was a key deterrent to Libya’s nuclear weapons programs, and its dismantling was responsible for uncovering the nuclear “black market” run by Pakistani A.Q. Khan.

The Democrat proposal would force the United States to seek the permission of foreign governments before attempting to interdict illicit WMD material. And it would provide all members of the UN access to the strategies, routes, and participating countries in the PSI, undermining the effectiveness of the program.

Because they hate America as a country in general, and the Constitution in particular, they would give any and all members of the UN who care to look everything we know, all of our tactics and, quite literally, stop the United States from ever stopping a single transfer of chem, bio and nuclear materials.

And because they hate you as a citizen, they would also unionize the security at our airports:

As Paul Seale posted at the Arena of Ideas, the link to the CNN story above only writes about the unions helping give “whistleblower protection” to the security employees. It does not, however, talk about security employees being able to call a strike, which would shut down the nations airports.

Nor does the CNN report talk about how the union can and will go out of their way to protect the incompetent employees. That guy who falls asleep while watching the x-ray machine; he gets to keep his job instead of being fired as he rightly should be. Or the perv who gropes your kid during the pat down; they get to keep their job.

Because of a union.

“Independant” voters voted for change. They’re gonna get that alright.

Airport security may be a joke, but I don’t want it to get any funnier than it already is. A union would make it a live action Monty Python’s Flying Circus sketch, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

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One Response to If ever there was proof

  1. Brass says:

    A union would make it a live action Monty Python’s Flying Circus sketch, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

    I’m sorry, that won’t be possible. Due to new union rules the sketch can only last 8 hours a day with two 30 minute breaks and a 1 hour lunch, 5 days a week with federal holidays off, 236 days a year with weekends, 5 weeks paid vacation, and federal holidays off. Thank you for voting Democrat.

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