My Own Challenge

Radley Balko, over at Reason.Com , has a challenge to Dems and lefty bloggers about how they promised to “Draining the Swamp” of Republican corruption in the House and Senate now that they have control.

A respectable challenge, if I do say so. But it doesn’t go far enough for my liking.

Most of the crooked Repubs got were voted out of office in this last election by their constituents, so while “The Swamp” stayed the same size, a good deal of the filth has already been removed. However, a couple of corrupt Dems were able to win their seats and even more Dems with histories of corruption are going to get high placement committee chairs under the new Congressional leadership.

These are the people that Balko is speaking of, wondering if the Dems are going to focus their filtering hoses on folks without (R)s after their name.

As I said just a moment ago, his challenge doesn’t go quite ideologically far enough for my liking. For example: When the Dow was hitting record highs under Bush, you couldn’t stop in at a Top 10 leftist blog without reading that Dems are better for the stock market than Repubs and how the highs will just get higher under Dem Congressional control.

Then on last Wednesday, when the stock market hit a new record high, they all rejoiced in their being correct about the stock market rejoicing about the election results. They magically said nothing of the price per barrel of oil and again nothing when the Dow dropped over the next couple days.

So my challenge to Dems is to put their money where their mouth is:

Invest your money only in the DJIA & the S&P 500.

Likewise, sell any and all of your oil futures.

And if you truly think that electing Democrats is “Better for the Middle Class”, refinance your homes with Adjustable Rate Home Mortgages.

If those on the left truly believe what comes out of their mouths, they should do these three things to prove their theories. In two years living under Democrats holding the nation’s purse strings, not only will inflation go up and interest rates rise, but all their “investing for the future” will have shrunk.

The upside to this is that they will not only see the error in their ways, but they also won’t have enough money to give to Democrat candidates.

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