I’ve been missing things

Update: I’m putting the quotes below the fold because it won’t stop messing with the HTML on the rest of the page. Please hit the button to read the whole post. 

Namely “current events”. I’ve been doing a little blog reading this week during my time off, but not really posting on that stuff, as you’ve probably noticed. But I can’t hold back on the whole thing with Kerry being an idjit.

I’ve been talking with my man in the ‘stan, Chad


throughout the week, making sure I’ve got a box full of stuff they need there in the asscrack of the country and maybe even some stuff they just want. In yesterday’s email, he made note that I hadn’t said anything on Kerry yet and sent me off something from one of the guys who used to put out a weekly rant on whatever was hot that week.

After reading it, I surmised that not only did the guy say exactly what I thought, he said it better than I could have (which is pretty sad for me, seeing as how he’s stuck, as I said before, in the asscrack of Afghanistan and I’ve got a cable modem).

So first up, I’d like to give you Chad’s short-take and then I’ll cut and paste the words from an NCO on the ground in what is facetiously known as “The Shit”. I would like to point out that this was all sent AFTER Kerry issued his psuedo apology, along with this pic

Help us.gif

Methinks they didn’t buy it



You know I’m the crazy liberal. But WTF? He’s being paid to be a dumbass. No other common sense explanation on why a human would say something that fucking stupid.

And now 1Sgt Airborne would like to say something:

It’s been over a year since I sent one of these out, but recent statements by Senator John Kerry really pissed me off. He said, “you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well “And if you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq” he said. What a freaking idiot.  His implication is that if you are or were in the military you are stupid.   Not so fast Mr. Kerry. According to research by the Heritage Foundation, members of the United States Military are BETTER educated than the general public.  Since 2001, education levels of the military have far surpassed the general population.  Here is what they say on their website.  The link is here:  http://www.heritage.org/Research/NationalSecurity/cda05-08.cfm In summary, we found that, on average, 1999 recruits were more highly educated than the equiv­alent general population, more rural and less urban in origin, and of similar income status. We did not find evidence of minority racial exploitation (by race or by race-weighted ZIP code areas). We did find evidence of a “Southern military tradition” in that some states, notably in the South and West, provide a much higher proportion of enlisted troops by population.

The household income of recruits generally matches the income distribution of the American population. There are slightly higher proportions of recruits from the middle class and slightly lower proportions from low-income brackets. However, the proportion of high-income recruits rose to a disproportionately high level after the war on ter­rorism began, as did the proportion of highly edu­cated enlistees. All of the demographic evidence that we analyzed contradicts the pro-draft case. 

The entire report is on their page…it makes for some interesting reading. Attached is a picture some troops in Iraq took….asking Kerry for some help. The thing EVERYBODY has to realize is that these are NOT just the words of one Senator.  He speaks for the entire democrat party.  Senator Clinton was on camera saying that, “Senator Kerry’s words were inappropriate”.  Notice that she did NOT say that she disagreed with his comments…just that SAYING the words was not right.  These people think the military (and those of us who are and have served) is a refuge for village idiots.    The day Kerry leaves Boston they will be one village idiot short.

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