The Whiniest Thing I’ve Read All Day: 10/24/06

They’re watching. Oh, They may cry and wail and moan and bitch, but They are watching. They are watching that eevviill empire They despise so greatly. The empire’s ratings are higher than ever, and it may just be because They are watching.

Uber left-wing partisan site ThinkProgress watches the Fox News Channel, and does not like what is on. In this example, it is whined that their preferred party gets called out

Today on Fox News, Neil Cavuto had a segment asking whether Democrats will “crush the economy” if they win November’s elections. One of the guests, Jonathan Hoenig, said they would, because Democrats’ “overriding philosophy is socialism.”

I don’t watch Cavuto all that often, but when I do, I absolutely enjoy Hoenig’s comments because he holds nothing back, but doesn’t quite get into “Coulter-Territory”. No insults, just facts and quality questions and statements.

Yet that was all it took to set Think Progress off.

Of course the Dems will crash the economy, and TP knows it. They will raise taxes, which TP likes, and they will overburden the nationwide business community with regulation, namely on wages.

Think Progess also doesn’t like to be called out as a socialist. TP hates being shown for what he/she/it is. Anyone who advocates for the government to have power of my health and my wages and especially over what I do with my money, namely buying earth-destroying trucks and firearms, is a socialist.

It is just that plain and simple.

Media Matters for America (employer of Oliver Willis - Occupation: Toole) also watches Fox News.

They absolutely do not like it when Fox reports on and questions ads being played by Republican candidates, even when MMA themselves denounces and questions said ads.

Take the ones being played on “Urban Radio Stations” and funded by Herman Cain which cut to the quick on topics such as abortion.

Narrator: Today, one-third of African-American pregnancies end in abortion. Black babies are terminated at triple the rate of white babies. The Democrat Party supports these liberal abortion laws that are decimating our people. Democrats say they want our votes. Why don’t they want our lives?

You can follow the link above and watch the segment that MMA is objecting to, but trust me, they are only objecting to the ads because they are probably quite effective and they are, in my opinion, only bitching about Fox News covering them because they didn’t invite someone from MMA on to argue about them.

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