Citizen Saves Self and Possibly Others

Of course, that isn’t a headline you’ll read in any of the Seattle papers about a very public use of a firearm in self-defense that happened over the weekend.

Assault victim fatally shoots assailant outside Westlake Center

Witnesses reported a man in a yellow shirt acting erratically, insulting and threatening passing pedestrians at Pike Street and Boren Avenue near the Washington State Convention and Trade Center, said Seattle police spokeswoman Deb Brown.

A half-hour later, a man matching the same description was reported near Westlake Center. At the same time, a second man, described by witnesses as balding and wearing a leather jacket, was walking through the nearby plaza after finishing his lunch.

Neither man’s identity was released by police on Saturday.

The man in the yellow shirt apparently focused in on the second man, saying, “I am going to kill you,” Brown said. He then began punching and kicking the second man until the man fell to the sidewalk.

“He was down there, minding his own business. There is nothing to think he was anything but a random target,” Brown said.

The victim happened to have a concealed-weapons permit, Brown said, and he was carrying a handgun. He pulled out the gun and fired once, hitting his attacker in the abdomen.

“It looked to me like he shot him in self-defense,” said Linda Vu, who was across the street from the shooting, handing out fliers for political activist Lyndon LaRouche. “It’s kind of crazy.”

Thankfully and surprisingly enough, the Seattle Police have pretty much settled on the fact that the shooting was self-defense.

The man was randomly attacked, he gave up ground to a person who publically exclaimed he was going to kill him. After giving up the ground and being put into a position of extreme disadvantage, he drew his weapon and fired.

Several nearby Seattle police officers heard the gunshot. When they arrived at the shooting scene, the victim, sitting on a streetside planter full of purple pansies, handed the gun to them and said, “I am the one who did this,” according to Assistant Police Chief Jim Pugel.

The man was arrested, but after questioning him and other witnesses, detectives determined they did not have probable cause to book him into the King County Jail. The man was released. Police said they were withholding his name as a crime victim — of the assault.

It will be up to the county prosecutor to determine whether the man will face charges. But Pugel said, “It could be considered justifiable homicide.”

And any other verdict would be preposterous.

But after a person was randomly attacked by a crazed and delusional individual in the middle of Seattle’s downtown, high-end public shopping area, the local media still focuses on the man’s firearm.

A bizarre case of what appeared to be justifiable homicide rattled the heart of Seattle’s swanky downtown shopping district late Saturday morning.

Seattle police are still piecing together what happened, but this much is known: A young man was killed on the crowded sidewalk outside Westlake Center, and the confessed shooter was allowed to walk out of a police station.

I put these two paragraphs at the end of my post, but are there any guesses as to where the Seattle Times put them?

You guessed it; these are the opening paragraphs of the story. How nice of the Times to act as “Judge” in this case before presenting any evidence.

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9 Responses to Citizen Saves Self and Possibly Others

  1. Steve says:

    It concerns me that he was even taken into the police station.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    The most interesting thing is that the reliable witness represents a political whack-job like Lyndon LaRouche. As the case wends it’s inevitable way though the Grand Jury, it will hinge on her testimony.

    How much like a Felini film is that?

    What music are we to write that will go with that?

  3. Brass says:

    And, of course, the victim of the assualt is now dis-armed as the police have taken his weapon as evidence.

  4. Raging_Dave says:

    Has anyone spent any amount of time down in that area? I have two words for you.

    Drug. Users.

    At any time during the day, you can go to Westlake Center and find people tweaking, stoned, high, frying, jazzed, wasted, tripping, or so coked up that their feet don’t touch the ground when they walk. It spreads from Pike Place Market all the way up to Captial Hill and First Hill (aka “Pill Hill”). And with any large amount of drug use comes unemployed dopers, who use crime to get the cash to buy their next fix, and the drug culture criminals who live off of society like the parasites they are.

    Mix unemployed druggies and criminals with a highbrow shopping center, and what do you think you’ll get? Kudos on the man who protected himself. But I’m not surprised it happened, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often.

  5. Wally the bird says:

    This is the kind of news you will never see printed in the main-stream birdcage linners manure spreaders and fish wrappers you will ever see this is the SACRAMENTO BEE,SAN FRANCISCO CRONICLE,NEW YORK TIMES or the main-stream liberal rags like TIME,NEWSWEEK,USA TODAY or U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT but look for it in something like the NRAs AMERICAN RIFLEMAN or AMERICAS FIRST FREEDOM and that means one less of those misrble thugs to beat up hapless citizens

  6. FishOrMan says:

    The version I read didn’t even include any of the normal, “police don’t recommend” crap that usually is included in these stories.

    Still Seattle Police have left citizens in more danger by disarming another “law abiding” gun-owner. Sad. Hope he gets his gun back in time for Christmas shopping downtown.

  7. Pingback: Random Nuclear Strikes » Update to the Dead Criminal Post

  8. Pingback: Random Nuclear Strikes » The Dumbest (and Smartest) Thing I’ve Read All Day: 10/16

  9. Pingback: Random Nuclear Strikes » Dare To Be Stupid: 11/06/06

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