The Dumbest Thing I’ve Read All Day: 09/26

I didn’t want to, but I did it anyway.

I went into the dKos Animal Farm and Petting Zoo.

There, I found an item that not only fits this post category to a tee, but shows us the twisted priorities of the left and how they can downplay the threat of terrorism.

Over at the dKos, they have a system called “Diary Rescue”. If a certain “diary” post gets enough recommends or if whomever is tasked with “rescuing diaries” likes the post well enough, the “diary” gets bumped up to the front page so as to give it more exposure.

And that is where I found today’s example of “The Dumbest Thing I’ve Read All Day”.

In the center ring of the three ring circus that is leftist blogs we have a comparison between:

International Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorists armed with Nuclear Weapons

and (a drumroll begins and the spotlight swings over to….)

Global Warming!

The consequences of global warming are terrifying. Much more terrifying than any nuclear bomb in the hands of a terrorist.  Millions of people, including most Americans, displaced by rising waters, starved to death, diseases gone wild, all within 50 years.

Even if you think that this scenario has only a 1% chance of happening, does it not make sense to try to do your utmost to stop it?

If Cheney’s 1% doctrine applies to terrorism, does it not apply also to global warming?

If so, why isn’t anyone asking Cheney this question?  Of course one would have to have balls and an opportunity to do so.  I am just floating this meme here hoping that it flies. Because I am really worried that there is more than a 1% chance that I may live to see global warming kill us all.

(emphasis NOT mine)

I just have no words that can describe exactly how idiotic those words are. If the “diary’s author, Shockwave, is more worried about the possibility of rising sea levels, and an extra degree of fahrenheit and whatever else AlGore can dream up to scare people than the actual threat of an Islamic Totalitarian state giving nuclear weapons to terrorists, then there is really nothing I can do to help him.

Another item of interest that was bumped to the front page of the dKos:

Bush Family History 1900 to 1920: The Rise of American Fascism

Yes, that is yet another diatribe on the topic of GWB’s grandfather and great-grandfather with the same info that was being circulated before the 2000 election. For some reason, not only do the dKos inmates find this information exciting and new, they exuberantly thank the “diary’s” author, London Yank.

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One Response to The Dumbest Thing I’ve Read All Day: 09/26

  1. bryan says:

    Maybe I am just a tad behind the times, but it seems to me that the history of the earth is replete with examples of sea level rise. I just learned a few month ago that my very own state was once tropical! Hard to imagine all this tundra was once mangrove swamp. But it is true. Not so long ago, in earth terms anyway, when I was an undergraduate studying geology, the hot topic was the comming of another ice age. This planet is 4 billion years old (give or take)and has survived countless episodes of glaciation followed by continent wide flooding as the glaciers melted. Guess what? Cheney wasn’t even born during the last ice age. We humans are too impressed with ourselves. If the Kossics were really concerned, I mean REALLY concerned, they would remove themselves from the gene pool.

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