Your Opinion Requested

First of all, thankee to everyone who stopped by with grilling tips and tasty flavors for when beef meets fire.

Today, I would like your opinion as to whether the left’s refusal to believe any other point of view about what happened in Qana, Lebanon than that of Hezbollah’s is just knee jerk anti-Israelism, in that they truly believe Israel purposly targeted a building they knew to be filled with only women and children (and oddly, no men) ? 

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6 Responses to Your Opinion Requested

  1. MoMinuteMan says:

    Monty, I’ll take door number one…

  2. Steve says:

    I think it’s just the leftwing victim dogma. Whoever’s “the little guy” is just “fighting the man”, the same thing happened with CU “Instructor” Ward Churchill in Colorado. The left circled the wagons even though his statements were without merit and indefensible.

    It’s almost a preemptive strike doctrine, that their Bush-related derangement causes them to try to figure out where Bush and right-thinking individuals will stand, and then oppose that stance.

    Just my $.02

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    The fever-swampies concoct a lot of conspiracy-theories in order to make sense of the world, but conflicting points of view drive them into arguments with themselves that they lose. So no, the default is as Steve said, and also because they first must render themselves defenseless in order to procure adequate victimhood.

  4. Attilainohio says:

    This is really a tough one. Way too many problems with the way we are being spoon-fed the story by the MSM, but terrible things happen in war. If i may paraphrase Robert E Lee, “It is good war is so terrible, else we should grow too fond of it.”

  5. Christopher says:

    Well I have heard of them using tactics of placing already dead bodies in their munitions sites so as to show casulties when they are hit. Also Isreal has had an agressive leaflit drop informing the civs if Lebanon that if they sleep with rockes to expect to be woken up with missles and bombs.

  6. Steve says:

    I wonder whether statements like this from UN guy Mark Malloch Brown(,2933,206774,00.html), are made because they really are genuinely ignorant, because they are terrorist sympathizers, or they’re trying to make me personally have an aneurysm or something?

    I’ve had about enough. I write to my Congressman frequently when the UN folks make dumbass statements but never hear anything back, rarely hear any UN criticism from Congress or calls for resignations. WTF? Do any elected officials actually care? John Bolton will fight statements like this, but he may not even get voted into his job. Who do these people work for?

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