I’m wondering

What with the new rules at the Arlington, TX schools

Texas School District Bans Cleavage

Are the faculty also going to be policing the inevitable “Plumber’s Crack”?

I mean, I feel sorry for the males losing their eye candy and all, but if the females are going to still be subjected to he plunging rear waist lines whenever one of the school’s defensive linemen drops something, then that is just unfair.

As for the student quoted in the story talking about the new rule making ‘Back to School Shopping’ more difficult, I can only assume that she buys her clothes at “Strippers ‘R’ Us” and “Ho-Bag Mart”.

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3 Responses to I’m wondering

  1. MoMinuteMan says:

    School uniforms, anyone??? The uglier, the better.

    Make everybody dress the same. Dull battleship grey coats, slacks for both boys and girls with white shirts and black ties.

    You’ll cover up the slut-in-training T&A, the thug-wannabes will have to wear pants that fit properly and because nobody has “got their fash on” (fuckin’ lame ass, annoying commercial…) they’ll lose the “I’m a bigga, betta pimp/ho than you” bullshit, and mebbe some of these modern day mental midgets might accidently step into some education.

    I swear that my dogs have higher IQ’s, more common sense and better manners than kids today do…

  2. Austin Mike says:

    Back to school shopping is what is known among the youths of today as euphemism, or perhaps double entendre. I asked my 16 year old son if this meant what I thought it meant and he busted a gut trying not to laugh.

  3. Christopher says:

    Having been at schools with both dress codes and uniforms, it alevialts (sp?) a lot of the problems that you mentioned MoMinuteMan, but alas, the richer kids will alway find a way to stand out and flaunt it, the thugs still manage to look thugy, and the sluts slutty (thank god, their strategic placements or lack there of got me though social studies). I was by no means poor, but my parents were frugal, and so did not look the best and so what it did not overly bother me then and could care less now.

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