And so began ‘Darth Vader Week’

As always happens when I take time off, my work from the days I wasn’t there was left waiting for me. As I sat down at my desk three hours before my regular punch-in time I opened my work emails to find out that the person who finalizes the data I enter was taking the last two days of this week off and needs all of last week’s numbers, and as much of this week as I can get my hands on or guestimate, by Wednesday morning.

It is crunches like that begat ‘Darth Vader Week’.

I’ve got a solid 5-12’s awaiting me this week. Seeing as how I normally put in 5-10’s, it worn’t be that big of a deal, except for the part where have to I play Nostradamus tonight/tomorrow morning. If I’m too far off, someone will get a swift talking to, and I can guarantee you it won’t be the lady in the main accounting office who is taking a four day weekend. Luckily, I made a couple good musical purchases over the weekend that should help me focus my inner eye to the future.

The 5-12’s may also effect my blogging flow, but I’ll do my bestest, I promise. At least it isn’t like the week of Seafair which started out as 5-10’s and then had a couple of 8’s on the days most people call their ‘weekend’ tossed in.

But hey, I live to serve (and collect paychecks that make my coworkers jealous but still aren’t as large as the Analog Wife’s).

I announced the beginning of Darth Vader Week last night over the company airwaves and except for a ruptured airline on one of the trucks (thankfully, not to the braking system) everything went smoothly.

BTW, it is called Darth Vader Week because of the motto I work under when the proper conditions set in: “Do it my way and nobody gets choked”

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One Response to And so began ‘Darth Vader Week’

  1. Kirk says:

    Heh… I love your work motto “Do it my way and nobody gets choked”. Working with stupid people who are clueless tends to make me feel that way also..

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