Wish there were more like him

On Monday, none other than Kos himself decided that this statement by Joe Lieberman (whom Kos is furiously campaign against) was worthy of mockery.

I have loyalties that are greater than those to my party.

Apparently, Kos believes that your political party is to come ahead of all else, including your own personal beliefs, the constituents who elected you to represent them and the country to which you made an oath to serve and protect.

Bush Derangement Syndrome will do that to you.

And it’ll do this too.

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8 Responses to Wish there were more like him

  1. Wow…did Kos escape from the old Soviet Union or something?

    He’s sounding a lot like a Communist Party boss from the bad old days…

  2. Rivrdog says:

    As to the second example of BDS, I suspect that there’s more to her, physiologically.

    She calls herself “clammyc”, which sounds to me short for Chlamydia, a sexually-transmitted disease of women that rots the twat, and in extreme cases (like this one), the mind also.

    I’m beginning to pity Dean, who will have to find a way to convert BDS to some other issue when BDS runs it’s course in ’08.

    Such is the folly of “ad hominem” attack politics. When you get your followers up for it, and then the “hominem” is term-limited and goes away, what do you do next?

    This poor woman’s brain will be reduced to smelly-jelly by then, and she won’t be able to comprehend the magic of the segue that Dean will have to pull off, so she will probably just go to E-Bay, buy some more old ’04 election bumper stickers to put on her Subaru, and stay stuck in the past.

  3. Bullfrog says:

    I am for the most part a Bush supporter, and I have been verbally asaulted by rabid conservatives many times for even suggesting that anything he is doing is less then “walking on water” amazing. My loyalties are to God and family, not to a political party, and DEFINITELY not to a politician.

  4. DirtCrashr says:

    I don’t pity Dean at all, he has chased the furrows and sewn the seeds of the BDS-spawned whirlwind, on which they attempt flight with broomsticks.
    Kos is an apparatchik building a little Red Square in the image of his beloved Soviet, made of polished turds – brick by insane brick.

  5. Rivrdog says:

    “How about some loyalty to the Constitution”, he shouted over his shoulder at no one in particular, then looked down at the combination lock on his gun safe and dialed in the last two numbers.

    “There are better things to do than worry about the state of the fried synapses in Markos Zuniga’s brain, if he has one”, said the Curmudgeon, selecting a carbine and taking it to the work table for cleaning.

  6. puggs says:

    The part that really drives the Kos-hacks nuts, is that Bush can spend the day with the troops, and they love him for it. It kinda makes their rhetoric ring hollow about Bush being such a monster and pissing away their lives, when the troops don’t think so.

    Not one of these leftwing loons could give one of their rants in a speech to the troops and not get boo’d off the stage. They’re screaming in an echo chamber, growing more and more frustrated by the fact that,… nobody is listening to them. They want to destroy Lieberman for the sin of heresy, and what they hear in return, is that they are the kiss of death for a state wide candidate. That Lamont might, might beat Joe, and then have no chance in Hell of winning the Senate seat.

    I think that’s why they are so foaming at the mouth,… they make not a dent in the national debate, and the democrats are in full retreat from republican ideas.

    If you’re for it, I’m a’gin it, is not a governing philosphy.

  7. Petey says:

    Oh mother of Meat Paste!
    The second I actually clicked on the link, my Clutch CD actualy stopped playing! What have you done!!!

    I actually had to hold my “comfort crowbar” as I read each line. And even cheap Vodka and my painting of “The Bogatyr” doesnt sate my twitching desire to ride from the W Washington hills upon their foul, plagued villiage. Raaawr!!!

    I love the “get the duck out of fodge” line, it makes me want to stand up to my CO and tell ’em (her) what for! Uh, can’t read any…more…..*gasp!*

  8. Attilainohio says:

    Please, somebody get this woman some help. To be that hate-filled and illogical must be extremely painful.

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