They’re not the Enemy: Part 2

The Residents of the Kos Kidz Funny Farm and Petting Zoo just want us (and Israel) to lose.

But, of course, we knew that already. I’m just here with more proof.

First up, “ingmarz” is helping the Hezbollan television station spread the rumor that the Israeli soldiers that are being held hostage by the Iranian paramilitary group stationed in Lebanon were captured, not during a raid into Israel, but from an Israeli commando raid into Lebanon.

Did Hezbollah Capture the IDF Soldiers in Israel, or in Lebanon?

There appears to be some serious ambiguity about where, exactly the Hezbollah capture of the two IDF soldiers took place.Some sources are saying that the hostage-taking actually took place inside Lebanon, near the village of Aytash Chaab.

Sadly for “ingmarz” there really isn’t any ambiguity he is just wanting to spread pro-Hezbollah news from these conspiracy nutz who got the story from Al-Manar.

Next, and even more disgusting, “elishastpehens” has come to the conclusion that our selling precision-guided munitions to Israel makes the USA a “Legitimate Military Target”

So now we’ve got the U.S. as the team manager, riding up next to the leader in the breakway and passing food and fuel out the window. Unfortunately that’s not Power Bars and Gatorade it’s handing out, it’s instruments of death.

Yes elishsa, we like to help like-minded nations kill terrorists now so that we don’t have to in the future. It is not as if we haven’t been targeted by this particular band of creeps previously.

While there were some sane Kidz who stopped by this ‘diary’ to debate what elisha had to say, she stood fast.

Scorpius at KisP asks if statements such as the one made by elsiha could finally be considered treasonous.

Make no mistake of it Kisper’s, the “people” he is advocating being killed are you, your neighbors, and your coworkers; civilians all.

And, it is not just the HA-I war that is a factor now; since Hezb’ is a wholly-owned subsidary of Iran, and Iran is in a state of war with us and Israel and funding militants to kill our soldiers in Iraq, Eli is advocating open war against his home country: The United States.

Can we call it Treason now?

I don’t know about ‘Treason’ per se, but I would easily put this in the ‘Sedition” category.

On a side note: I am fully sick and tired of the use of the phrase “Disproportionate Response” by the media and the left-wing bloggers. If they fully expect a country with a fully functional Air Force and armored brigades to hold them back and just randomly launch missiles into the enemy’s area, as Hezbollah has done, then they must stop calling themselves “The Reality Based Community”, for that is not how war in the real world works.

In the real world, you unleash everything you have on your enemy to either kill them or demoralize them to the extent that they’ll gve up. “Proportionate Responses” make wars last a very long time, and I was under the impression that they wanted this and all wars to stop.

But then again, that is only applies if we or a country we support are winning, I guess.

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