I almost forgot!

During the last week of the downtime we had, left-wing extremist and blogger, David Neiwert, posted on the subject of the non-acceptance of human caused ‘Climate Change’ by the right.

You may remember Neiwert from a number of things I’ve written here about his hate-mongering against anyone who disagrees with him (use the search box at the bottom of the right-hand column). He has swallowed the “Climate Change Prophecy of World-Wide Destruction” hook, line and sinker.

Yes, the man who rallies against ‘The Politics of Fear’, as he calls just about anything coming from the Republican Administration, has fallen for the fear-mongering of the eco-socialist cult and their current Grand Master Poobah, AlGore.

And were we face to face, Neiwert would stop me at that last sentence.

You see, he does not believe that the eco-socialist cult even exists. In fact, he writes that anyone who even suggests that the movers and shakers and bankrollers of said movement are anti-capitalists, anti-corporatists and believers that only government can provide solutions by restricting what you can do with your own land are descending to the thought of

“When all else fails, call ’em a pinko”

Not to completely belittle his position, but just what exactly are those signs I read at EVERY SINGLE PROTEST talking about? And what exactly are those damn paper mache puppets supposed to symbolize then?

Or does he not see them? Is he so blind as to think that the folks who are handing out the anti-corporatist propaganda at these rallies are neutral making money off the environment? And what about all the hardcore socialist literature; Little Red Books, Wobbly newspapers, etc?

I can guarantee you that if there was a pro-capitalism rally and someone was selling copies of The Turner Diaries at a table in the far back corner, Neiwert would find that reason enough to call the entire gathering a ‘Right Wing Hate Fest’. And if it involved anything to do with firearms like, say, duck hunting, he would probably tack the word ‘Violent’ onto the title.

But, once again, because Dave gets to change the standards by which he judges his political adversaries when he writes about groups he is aligned with (as he previously did with MeCHA), those good souls aren’t socialists.

As a final note, if you don’t own the first two seasons of Penn and Teller’s Showtime series “Bullshit”, get with the program folks, and buy it. In season one, they took less than a half and hour to say everything I’ve said here about the eco-socialist cult (without the focus on Neiwert, of course) and even had dozens, if not hundreds, of protesters signing a petition to ban water as a joke on them.

Good television at last, people.

This entry was posted in Freaks, Mutants, and Morons, Useful Idiots. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to I almost forgot!

  1. I’m sure Niewert (I can’t bring myself to read that kind of crap, even if I had the time) completely ignores that fact that ANSWER is composed mostly of folks from the Workers World Party (I think that’s the name)-the group that split off from the American Communist Party when the latter couldn’t stomach Stalin’s invasion of Hungary in ’56. Or was it Czechoslovakia in ’68?

    Either way, they’re a bunch of hard-core Stalinists who idolize folks like Uncle Joe and the Kim family.

  2. Kyle says:

    Come on, guys– you know that he doesn’t believe this. He’s lying. The goal of these people is to CONVERT or CONFUSE. Once you’ve been confused, you don’t matter. Once you’ve been converted, you are a mindless soldier in their fight.

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    He’s a watermelon, green on the outside and red on the inside. Did I say that already? 😉

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