Zarqawi Dead: Part Deux

As was told here by the man with his eye on the news, David, Zarqawi is mostly molecules now, and what isn’t in teeny-tiny is in slightly larger peices and charred.

While I’m glad that the leader of those who want to kill American soldiers in Iraq is dead, I kind of wish it was possible for us to do it while he looked into the eyes of those he wanted to kill.

On another note, the Analog Wife just made her way into the Men’s Room (aka RNS Blogstation Tacoma) to let me know that Diane Sawyer was just on the tube asking if it was ‘A Good Thing’.

I wasn’t really that shocked about her saying that, I was more shocked that no one int eh studio thought to walk up and slap her for asking stupid questions.

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3 Responses to Zarqawi Dead: Part Deux

  1. puggs says:

    I went looking in the DU to see what exactly they were saying, needless to say, I feel the need to dip myself in bleach now. You can cut the paranoia, the denials, and the hate with a knife it’s so thick in the air there. I counted at least two DU types who decided to quit the forum because of the irational blind hatred, and the deeply personal nature of attacks on them for being insufficiently pure on the progressive party line. The sin?

    That they thought it was real report, and that dusting zarq the baby killer was a good thing, and that our troops were not the bad guys.

    I’d really be interested to know just exactly how many of the DU’ers there are. The number has to be pretty small, else the earths crust would crack under the heat of all that hate they spew.

  2. Barb says:

    Y’know what amazed me? Nick Berg’s father staying completely in his pacifist “Any death is bad” mode. That makes NOOOOO sense to me. I can kinda understand someone feeling a reluctance to do the happy dance that I was doing – I freely admit I can be rude and crude when it suits. But you *have* to admit that there should be a sense of relief or pleasure at knowing that the man who drew a knife across your son’s throat won’t ever hurt another human being, don’t you? Apparently he doesn’t, and that just goes beyond me.
    Totally with you on the need for Sawyer and other media fools who are dumb enough to say that kind of thing. Slap ’em around.
    (No, I’m not really violent. Trust me. *grin*)

  3. ticketplease says:

    Might not be able to look into his eyes but from his ears comes, “What’s that whistling noise?” right before the 500 LB. bomb shreaded him, LOL! as I again dance around my desk. I just wish the Paliwhinians could see me dancing. I still remember them daning in the streets saying death to Americans while the TOWERS BURNED! We shouldn’t be giving them “Humanitarian” money help either. They voted in terroriests, we don’t support terroriests. In 4 years they can vote again on who they want in office. If you help them now the won’t learn their lesson. If they don’t learn a lesson they will make the same mistakes again. That’s what is so great about Democracey, you get what you vote for. The Iraqies voted in people of peace, and hopefully by and by they will have it. IT ISN’T EASY! we know, the Iraqies are learning. As they stand up we will stand down. I’m as ready as the next person to get out of their……but not so ready as the cowards that let the Khmer Rouge kill over a million innocents. F*#kin’ Whussies!

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