So that’s the problem

As everyone is probably painfully aware, Seattle is the Coffee Capital of the nation. We manufacture, distribute and probably drink more coffee here than any other major metropolitan center in the US.

Which makes this new find an explanation of some of the weirdness

Drinking coffee makes you more open-minded

The coffee you drink as a pick-me-up in the morning could also make you more open to persuasion, researchers say. Evidence from a new study suggests that this happens because caffeine revs up the brain, not because it generally boosts mood.

Previous studies have show that consuming caffeine can improve one’s attention and enhance cognitive performance, with 200 milligrams (equivalent to two cups of coffee) being the optimal dose.

Moderate doses of caffeine can also make you more easily convinced by arguments that go against your beliefs, say Pearl Martin of the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and her colleagues.

In fact, if this turns out to be true, I bet this broad has an IV set up

We need another Jimmy Carter for president

Amelia Veneziano, Staff Writer, The Daily Evergreen

The longest day of my short life occurred a week and a half ago. At some point while I slept in Pullman, the sun rose Thursday morning. That evening, I watched the gray sky fade from the top of the Space Needle in Seattle. On the road back to Pullman, the early morning rays lit up the sky again on the hill down into Washtucna.

It was a long road trip.

What was the purpose of this borderline insane trip? Former President Jimmy Carter, of course.

Eighteen members of the WSU Young Democrats had an important meeting with the man who is, arguably, the last honorable president in recent memory — and by recent, I mean since the 1960’s. Carter was clean, moral and honest. He worked hard to restore the presidency to its former glory. Though he served just four years, he successfully turned the nation around. His Baptist faith was a main part of his administration, but he didn’t use it to minimalize anyone else.

In this day and age of government corruption and executive powers running rampant, we need a new Carter

We need a new Carter like we need a nuke going off, which would almost be guaranteed to happen if someone like Carter got into the Oval Office.

If you think you recognize the name of the paper, you’re probably pretty close. Mz. Veneziano writes for the school paper at the Evergreen State College, in Olympia.

Do you remember those protests in Olympia I wrote about last week, the one with the pic of the rather large truck driver about to rip some dingleberry protester’s nuts off like a paper towel?

This is the school they go to.

Rachel ‘St. Pancake’ Corrie’s alma matter.

Great bunch of folks, huh?

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3 Responses to So that’s the problem

  1. DFWMTX says:

    Lesse, coffee makes you “more open to persuasion”, “make you more easily convinced by arguments that go against your beliefs”. Good thing I stuck with soda instead of joining all the other conforming “non-conformists” in the coffee house for their poetry readings and discussions of Chomsky and Zinn. Bleh!

    This is bullshit though. While caffeine can stimulate the brain, there’s nothing to say it’ll make you more susceptible to suggestion. Coffee is drunk by almost all of American society, regardless of race, class, political or religious affiliation. If coffee was an aid to brainwashing, only the liberals would drink it, while the conservatives would have something else.

  2. puggs says:

    I drink coffee like others do soda and water, I live on it. So no, I haven’t changed my politics since I started drinking it something like thirty years ago. Stupid idea, next question.

    Jimmy flippin Carter, oh how do I loathe thee, let me count the ways.

    As AK can no doubt recall, contempt doesn’t begin to cover my views on the nut master from Plains. His was the most confused, useless, and downright moronic White House in living memory.He truely is the worst president ever, because he has the distinction of being the only president when his competence was questioned, to publicly blame his troubles on who else, the darn old American people. US being just to selfish to understand his greater glory and all.

    Carter was an idiot, served by oppurtunistic idiots, beloved by village idiots, with idiocy being his greater purpose. The IQ of anyone within earshot was lowered by his mere prescence. He was absolutely the reason democrats were not trusted again till Clinton came along.

    Any person praising his name should be horse whipped and publicly forced to read his speechs till their emptied head caved in. The malaise master, king of all huberistic do-gooders without any common sense or reason beyond what makes them feel good.

    The fact that foreign leaders openly laughed at him, mocked him to a degree that has never been equaled seems to have entirely escaped Amelia. He was a global joke, with European leaders openly calling him dumb. A fool. An embarassment to the leadership of the western world. They may not like Bush, but they have never laughed at him. Never questioned wether our nation was so weak, so close to collapse that they should start sucking up to the Soviets because our days of power were over….

    that’s what jimmy fuckhead carter gave us.

    and she wants that back?

    we don’t need a carter.

    we don’t need a man who sucks up to tyrants and blames his own country for ever wrong imaginable to justify their sins. we don’t need him,

    don’t want him,

    and if you truly want a civil war in this country, just try to put that buffoon in power again,

    just try,

    I enlisted once because I couldn’t bear the shame he brought on us, and even crippled, I’d do it again.



    clown prince of suicidal librals.

    did I leave anything out?

  3. AnalogKid says:

    See folks, that is why Puggs is da man.

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