Sheeps Clothing

And, of course, the NY Times falls for the speil.

Yesterday in the ‘Paper of Retard’, a story from a recently released Club Gitmo attendee:

In the early summer of 2001, when I was 19, I made the mistake of listening to my older brother and going to Afghanistan on what I thought was a dream vacation. His friends, he said, were going to look after me. They did — channeling me to what turned out to be a Qaeda training camp. For two months, I was there, trapped in the middle of the desert by fear and my own stupidity.

As soon as my time was up, I headed home. I was a few miles from the Pakistani border when I learned with horror about the attacks of 9/11. Days later, the border was sealed off, and the only way through to Pakistan and a plane to Europe was across the mountains of the Hindu Kush. I was with a group of people who were all going the same way. No one was armed; most of them, like me, had been lured to Afghanistan by a misguided and mistimed sense of adventure, and were simply trying to make their way home.

I was seized by the Pakistani Army while having tea at a mosque shortly after I managed to cross the border. A few days later I was delivered to the United States Army: although I didn’t know it at the time, I was now labeled an “enemy combatant.” It did not matter that I was no one’s enemy and had never been on a battlefield, let alone fought or aimed a weapon at anyone.

Sounds sad, doesn’t it? Made my heart pump purple piss for the guy.

Until I found out what the Times omitted from the story (Via Ace)  :

1) The man has been repatriated into France, where he awaits trial on terror charges.

2) The man’s father is an extremist cleric, and a convicted terrorist.

3) The man’s brother is a convicted terrorist, and indeed was convicted today (the day the sob story ran).

4) The man’s mother is a convicted terrorist.

5) So is his sister.

So we have a member of a terrorist FAMILY, and we let him go?

I’d hate to think about the guys we still have, then.

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2 Responses to Sheeps Clothing

  1. puggs says:

    I heard about this case too. It makes you marvel at the amount of information they have, yet don’t print because it wouldn’t support the slant they wish to push.

    I’ve been watching some of the TV debates over Gitmo, and the other side is stone cold deaf about what to do with these guys if we close the base. A couple of,… well… we… just let them go comments came out. Just let them go?

    and we’re supposed to take them seriously?

  2. Austin Mike says:

    When the detainees will get tried for their crimes of war in either criminal or military courts in their home countries, that is an OK way to go. Spread the wealth of the detainees, to demonstrate worldwide cooperation in the WoT. And avoid giving the al-Queda Paris club a propaganda tool, by denying them the chance to influence French opinion by anti-US screeds.

    Either that or shoot them after trial in Cuba. Either way seems to keep them off the streets and out of trouble for a good stretch of time.

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