Keeping an eye on it

I haven’t mentioned anything about the moonbats protesting/blocking entry to the Port of Olympia as of yet because, in all honesty, crap like that is a daily occurance in Oly. If there isn’t something being protested in Olympia, it just means that the raw foods store forgot to wash their veggies well enough and everyone is on the commode with a mild case of eColi. That, or the drug supply is low and folks have had to go out of town to find their junk.

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve gotten a number emails asking me why I care to wade through the swamps at the dKos and then bring it back here. I have my reason and they are thus: In my early days here, I would do the exact same thing through my local Indymedia Centers, mostly because it is really cheap entertainment and easy blogging material, but also because you have to keep you eye on these losers and not give them any rest, otherwise they’ll think you’ve gone soft.

My local IMC has dried up and the Portland one is just too irrational to even make sense most days, so I have instead switched to the dKos, which is just as unhinged as the old IMC, but much more organized and with an easier to read format.

Like this post on the Oly Protests, complete with borrowed pics. The ‘diarist’ actually thinks the people there were “resisting the war” by breaking down the fence, slowing down deliveries and gernally making asses of themselves.

I do so love it when these self-important twits scream about living in a “police state” when, if they even had an inkling that people who actually DO live in a police state have to worry about being shot or their families being punished for their actions, they would hang their heads in shame at the very thought of those words leaving their mouths.

But my favorite phot by far is this one from Gateway Pundit’s Tuesday post


The newspaper’s caption for the photo was: Shouting, “Don’t do that again” a truck driver hauling a military cargo container cautions one of approximatley 40 Iraq war protesters after the protester slammed his sign down on the driver’s semi fender.

First off, as I’m sure you  and that protester noticed, that is quite a very large and unhappy finger. It is also connected to a large and unhappy privateer truck driver. I am quite sure that gentleman would have no qualms whatsoever with reaching down that anti-troops weenie’s throat and ripping his nuts off from the inside, and I’m also quite sure that the weeinie got that message.

After the weenie whacked the gentleman’s property with his sign, he is very lucky that that driver (and probably owner) of the truck decided that getting it impounded while awaiting his bail hearing for assault wasn’t how he wanted to spend the rest of his day.

On another note, isn’t the blockage of enroute war material sedition?

Not that the city of Olympia or the feds have the balls to arrest or prosecute for that.

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One Response to Keeping an eye on it

  1. Rivrdog says:

    I’m kinda surprised that the FeeBees haven’t infiltrated that little nest of commies up in Oly.

    Were they to get inside, I’m sure thay could do severe damage to both Sea-Tac’s and Portland’s Black Hat Brigade.

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