History Repeating

The Dems aren’t happy with just saying Iraq is like Vietnam, they have to come up with the same stories too.

Now that they have a possible My Lai with Haditha, they are feeling good enough to start dropping the drug references.

In December, NEWSWEEK interviewed some Army soldiers going home as conscientious objectors. To fight boredom and disgust, said Clif Hicks, who had left a tank squadron at Camp Slayer in Baghdad, soldiers popped Benzhexol, five pills at time. Normally used to treat Parkinson’s disease, the drug is a strong hallucinogenic when abused. “People were taking steroids, Valium, hooked on painkillers, drinking. They’d go on raids and patrols totally stoned.” Hicks, who volunteered at the age of 17i, said, “We’re killing the wrong people all the time, and mostly by accident. One guy in my squadron ran over a family with his tank.”

Hicks’s own revulsion peaked while he was on patrol in January 2004. He came upon a bloody scene in a Baghdad housing project, where some soldiers had mistaken celebratory shots fired at a wedding for an attack, returning heavy fire and killing a young girl. “I looked in the door and she was dead, shot through the neck, Mom there, Grandma there, all losing it. Then I started thinking, this is really f—ed up, this is horribly wrong.” Hicks stopped taking his malaria pills, hoping he’d get sick and shipped out. He says that infantry soldiers sometimes stick their legs out of the Humvee under sniper fire, hoping to get a nonlethal wound.

Hicks claims that “there’s a lot of guys who steal from the Iraqis. Money, family heirlooms, and then they brag about it. Guys would crap into MRE bags and throw them to old men begging for food.”

I have the feeling I’m the one being fed crap here.

Found, of course, at the DUMB (Democratic Underground Message Board)

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2 Responses to History Repeating

  1. ticketplease says:

    But remember, They support the troops! yeah right….

  2. puggs says:

    This isn’t the draftee army of Vietnam, these are professional troops, extremely motivated for the most part. How many of us know personally of men who have re-enlisted knowing that they would return to the Afghan or Iraqi theaters. These aren’t scared boy’s grabed off the streets while rich kids ran away, these men are regulars.

    Total unit breakdown hasn’t happened in a single documented case that I know of since the draft ended. These stories are all from single witness’s with no supporting proof, no evidence. And always from someone like this shitheel who can’t proof a thing he says, except that he’s suffering from a decided lack of testicles.

    The drug slur is popping up a lot now, yet they never offer up any court martials or documentation to back it up. No medical reports, no reports by the red cross or even first person press accounts.

    always by a single reject who cries to go home when he discovers that he should have made a different career choice. I wish it was easier to spot these guys up front and weed them out early.

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