The Day They “Got Over It”

Yesterday at the dKos, diarist ‘NewDirection’ decided he had ‘Gotten Over’ September 11th, 2001.

In fact, he got so “Over It” that he put up a poll asking how many other folks had too. According to LGF, the results as of 1806 PST were

47 votes = 60% – Over It

19 votes = 24% – Not Over It

12 votes = 15% – They Won’t Let Me Be Over It 

The “They” is presumably the VRWC when they’re followed up by comments like this one by ‘Lepanto’

the reason why I’m not over it is because Bushco won’t stop manipulating it.

The LGF folks got ahold of the poll and freeped it so that it now reads entirely differently, but as a snapshot of the American Left, the poll as Johnson found it pretty much tells us everything we already knew.

On a slightly different note, local hate-monger, David Neiwert, asked his readers “Why wasn’t April 19th, 1995 the ‘Day that Changed Everything’?”

April 19th, 1995 was, of course, the day of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

According to the title of Neiwert’s post, this seems to be an annual question that he asks, and the fact that he cannot seem to get an answer that pleases him makes me wonder if he doesn’t already have one rolling about in his head.

His commenters have answers for him that I’m sure he finds quite close to the one that is probably in his noggin. They go something like this comment from ‘Lancelot Link’

“Timothy McVeigh was a Republican. That’s why.”

Real open minded folks Dave gets there at his place. Now you see why I call him a hate-monger.

I think that Dave was just on the wrong side of things during that time. As a gun owner and a member of a local “Sportsman’s Club”, I was treated as what I would consider “a suspect” by two federal agencies in the months following, and I’m sure that others who stop by here were as well.

The club was primarily a skeet, trap and silhouette shooters hang out, so when other members and folks I’d met through various contacts started shooting high activity level 3-Gun matches in the undeveloped back-forty of the club property, they raised their eyebrows at us. They couldn’t tell us ‘No’, but you could tell they wanted to.

Long story short, when the fibbies and the agency that should be a convenience store stopped by to ask questions of the range council, our names were given up because once a month 20-25 of us got together and shot AR clones and other ‘black rifles’ (apparently, McVeigh had some sort of connection to Washington State and someone in the area).

We were contacted at our homes by agents. They wanted to ‘interview’ myself, as well as a number of other match regulars and they were rather annoyingly persistent about it. So I agreed to be ‘interviewed’, but not at my residence. Judging from their questions to me, and their questions to the others I spoke to afterwards, I’m sure they wanted us to start spouting out anti-fed screeds and other crap that Saturday afternoon. I’m absolutely positive that the two guys and the woman that ‘interviewed’ me were very disappointed that I didn’t as the paid the tab for my lunch.

April 19th, 1995 changed things for me: I now spit on the floor everytime the “Sportsman’s Club” name is mentioned, and until recently, I refused to ever join another rifle club. The club is now under completely new management, but I’ll still never go back. Also, prior to this incident, I was only mildly annoyed at the previously named federal agencies. Since then, just mentioing their initials will send me into a piss poor mood for hours.

And believe it or not, the events, policies and legislation that followed the Oklahoma City bombing are not what pisses me off most about the Clinton Administration. While they were atrocious acts that were complete infringements on my rights as a citizen (which I’m sure Dave and his readers probably think were “completely reasonable”), I despise them most for ordering the the M14’s and the M21’s that were scheduled to be transfered to the Civilian Marksmanship Program to go under the torch and bandsaw instead.

For that, they have my eternal spite.

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2 Responses to The Day They “Got Over It”

  1. Mark says:

    Among the things coming out in the wash due to the Trentadue lawsuit and FOIA requests, we’ve found out that:
    The feds were indeed interested in various things/people they’d told the court they ‘had no interest in’;
    They had an informant who’d told them McVeigh and co. were planning to bomb a federal building in OKC;
    Said information had pointed out several buildings- including the Murrah building- that had been considered as targets;
    and various other things.

    So we’ve got federal agents, agencies and lawyers who lied in court and in sworn documents about this stuff, and the FBI and ATF are still trying to cover their tracks on it.

    We may never get the full truth on this mess, but the facts- determined from federal documents and testimony, not by my opinion- proves various people lied about this mess. And I strongly suspect that ATF, among others, used the aftermath as an excuse to push their envelope in every way possible.

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