They Choked

Like the Green River Killer.

Yeah, yeah, the Seahwks beat themselves last night in Detroit. They have a tendancy to do things like that. As much as I would have liked to see them play textbook football for the whole game, they could only for it for the first quarter or so.

Of course, having some officials who don’t need tap canes would have helped too, but that is neither here nor there on Monday morning.

So now that the hullabaloo is done for the year (except for the Pro Bowl), I would like to address the load of BS flying around about the whole “12th Man/Texas A&M” controversy.

First off, since when did Texans become whiny bitches?

1. The A&M trademark only extends to Collegiate Sports, not to any other franchise.

2. The first trademark request from A&M was made in 1991 (the second in 1996). The Seahawks retired the #12 jersey in honor of “The 12th Man” in 1984.

3. When I hear Al Michaels refer to any team’s fan noise as “The 12th Man is really becoming a factor for this team at this point in the game.”, the term can be now covered under the ‘Common Use’ clause, therefore negating any trademark possibility.

4. When A&M has to shop for an alum judge to order the Seahawks to cease and desist, you can tell right then and there they don’t have a case. That judge should be tarred and feathered for not stepping aside and handing the case off to someone else.

So there you have it folks, the controversy that isn’t. While I like Captain Ed and read him everyday, it is nice to see him get one wrong every now and then (the Seahwks ‘stole’ nothing).

Hey Aggies, I love you guys, but you just lost any and all of the respect I may have had for you (oops, thanks HL. No champeens are you Aggies). You can bury as many of your dead mutts under the turf of your playing field as you want, but your whining shows you to be something you shouldn’t have let the world see.

You should just feel lucky that Paul Allen doesn’t buy your school and close the fucker for pissing him off.

See you in court, ladies.

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2 Responses to They Choked

  1. Um, the A&M Aggies didn’t win any championship. That was the University of Texas Longhorns, who are to A&M was WSU is to UW. You know, big rivals and all that.

    And from the point of view of a disinterested observer (I’m a born and raised 49er fan), the ref’s calls weren’t bad. The Rothlisberger TD could have gone either way-and they’d have probably gotten in on the next play anyway. The two big penalties were extremely obvious on replay. It wasn’t so much the penalties as the timing, which was absolutely brutal.

  2. Kyle says:

    You might want to check out

    If you actually want to hear the point of view from an Aggie, send me an email. I can explain part of our tradition, and my feelings on it.

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