It’s Friday!

So it must be “Portland IMC Links Day”.

I doubt I’ll do this every Friday, but I found two completely hilarious links that I just have to show you.

First up, we have IMC author ‘Kosmik’ demanding that the moonbats band together to, wait for it……

“Prepare to Defend the people of Iran from a Nuclear Attack!”

But that is why I love to mock the Indymidiots so much; instead of worry about the country they live in getting hit by a smuggled Iranian built nuke, they worry about their country flying off the handle and making the nation-state that hates the Americans the most being turned into a smoking, glass lined crater.

Buy stock in tin-foil, my good people. I think the demand for it will be going up quite soon.

Next up, IMC author ‘Relay’ was in Caracas to see he who swapped spit with Mama Moonbat, Hugo Chaves, speaking at the World Social Forum.

Some excerpts (typos and all):

Once at the stadium, the men were separated from the women in to two line. Each were searched for weapons and explosives. Then we were given bottles of water and smiles and entrance to the stadium.

Because you can’t forget the smiles for dear leader

The atmosphere inside was roaring excitement. These people are all hard-core soccer lovers and stadium-ecstasy is second nature. There was a pre-Chavez show with musicians playing excellent folk and revolutionary music and scores of young teenage boys and girls dancing slowly about with yards of diaphanous pastel cloud-gauze wafting gracefully behind.

Did he just say that the teenagers had visable flatulence? My goodness, what is Chaves making them eat!?!

I saw a picture of Jesus the revolutionary he looked quite a bit more stern than the famous picture of Che Guavera.

There are pictures to go along with the post, but I can’t really tell how ‘stern’ Jesus looks because ‘Relay’ loaded the pic in sideways.

And now for the truly twisted part of his post,

Chavez spoke for about two hours, no notes. He even sang a short song and he has a great voice. I kept comparing Chavez and Bush while I was watching. Chavez inspires hope, Bush evokes fear. Chavez emanates strength, ability and confidence, Bush is a national embarrassment. Chavez can extemporize a two hour speech, Bush can barely read for twenty minutes.

Did you read that, Chaves “inspires hope” while Bush “evokes fear”.

But then, in the very next paragraph….

Some people tried to leave early but were blocked by red beret wearing, Uzi toting soldiers. No one was allowed out until Chavez finished his speech. At one point the crowd became a bit restive and the soldiers were looking pretty nervous. I thought I smelled fear in the air, so I moved away from the door area. It was easy to imagine the crowd (mostly Americans) all pushing toward the door and the soldiers responding with their Uzis.

I’d be pretty scared if I went to a Bush rally and his security people pointed their weaponry at me to keep me from leaving.

I think Chaves wins in the ‘Evokes Fear’ category and I think ‘Relay’ lives in a socialist fantasyland because he can’t see it, even when the guns are pointing at him.

And that’s it for Friday’s “Portland IMC Idiotfest”. Stop by next Friday and I’ll see if I can find anything else this tweaked.

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2 Responses to It’s Friday!

  1. Mike says:

    Wow. That’s really twisted.

    “I loved the speech and stayed through the entire thing, primarily because if I tried to leave early I would have been machinegunned before I could leave.”

    It’s to be expected, though. Some Russians still sang Stalin’s praises even while they starved to death.

  2. Bullfrog says:

    Interesting that Kosmik is brainwashed without a gun pointed at his head, he is out of excuses.

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