I can misread just as good as David can!

This weekend I came to the conclusion, after doing the math out for two months, that I wouldn’t be able to make it to Boomershoot this year.

I had emailed Joe Huffman to let him know that my shooting position was up for dibs and then dropped into my inbox where I saw the daily email that the Seattle Times sends me. I opened the thing up and saw the ‘Local’ section at the top of the email, with this as the top story in that section,

Costs cited in Bumbershoot cut

I can guarantee you that I probably turned a shade resembling printer paper as the paranoid portion of my brain asked itself “How did they know?”

Now, for those not local to the Seattle Metro area, “Bumbershoot” is a yearly music festival held at the Seattle Center, site of the 1962 World’s Fair, that goes on for an entire weekend and is attended by people ranging from patchouli stinking hippies to yuppy snobs who though Smashmouth and Sugar Ray were groundbreaking.

Boomershoot, on the other hand, is a kick-ass long distance precision shooting event that involves the use of impact sensitive explosives as targets that, if life hadn’t kicked me in the scrote two weeks ago, I’d be going to and that you should do whatever you can to go to because it is a hell of a lot of fun.

After reading the headline a second and third time I decided that coincidence had gotten the better of me and that I would have to remember to give it a purple nurple the next time I saw it.

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2 Responses to I can misread just as good as David can!

  1. Joe Huffman says:

    The Bumbershoot/Boomershoot mixup is common enough that I mention it in the history of Boomershoot.

  2. Analog Kid says:

    The mistake doesn’t surprise me a bit. The Analog Wife makes it 90% of the time we talk about it.

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