Good Eatin’

Seattle’s Woodland Park has an infestation of rabbits. It is assumed that they were released by some well-meaning dipstick who thought he was doing his bunnies a favor.

A former Chairman of the Seattle Animal Control Commision, Keith Gormezano, wrote a letter to the editor of the Seattle Times last weekend, suggesting that the rabbits be trapped, killed and served up in the ‘homeless’ shelters to Seattle’s large population of people unwilling to work.

It sounded, to me anyway, like two problems could be solved at once. Bums fed / annoying rabbit infestation cleared.

But Seattle being Seatlle, some twit had to write up her own letter to the editor yesterday, and whine about how “flabbergasted” she was at Gormezano’s idea. She also had this question to ask:

I wonder if the same idea should apply to ducks, geese and other animals inhabiting the park?

To which my answer would be: Hell Yes!!!

Every year, tens of thousands of Canadian Geese fly into cities and towns of the great northwest, including Seattle, land, take over the local parks and then shit everywhere. The paved walkways become unsafe to walk on because they are so slippery with goose poo. Also, the water in the park lakes gets so infestied with the crap that they are closed for swimming for a goodly portion of the summer by the various parks adminstrations.

The current plan for the geese is to either pay someone to bring their dog/s to the park and chase the geese away to other parks (it is illegal for a private individual’s canine to chase the geese in Seattle) or to CO gas them to death after trapping them in sealed metal boxes.

My only reservation about feeding the vagrants a steady diet of rabbit, goose and duck would be that the word would get out and they’d be coming from across the country to eat at “The Shelter Buffet”.

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2 Responses to Good Eatin’

  1. Rivrdog says:

    I can’t imagine that allowing the dogs to harrass the geese will fly.

    It’s a State game violation.

    I doubt if the City can supercede State game rules. The honkers, nuisances as they are, are still a Federally-protected and State-protected migratory waterfowl.

  2. Rimfirejones says:

    Bunnies are delicious, low in fat and cholesterol as well as a very good source of protein.
    And, in this case, they are free.
    Plus, they breed like rabbits.

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