Coming to a Town Near You

Actually, they’re coming to a state near me.

They’re the Working Families Party and boy-howdy, they want to corner the market of voters that stand somewhere between moderate Democrats and Marxists in Oregon.

Here is their Wiki entry, full of fluff, I might add. But take a looksee a little deeper and follow the links of the people involved in upper-party management.

They’ll give the Greens down there a run for their money, I can tell that already.


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2 Responses to Coming to a Town Near You

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Reading the article, it seems to be the unions, such as are left, that are behind it.

    Ever since the heady anti-union days when Senate Bill 750 trashed ALL the collective-bargaining laws in Oregon, it’s been real hard for unions to actually DO anything for their memberships (except take a bunch of money from them and give it to various (D)onk causes), plus fighting even more draconian anti-union initiative brought by the likes of Associated Oregon Industries and the Restaurant Owner’s Association.

    The labor-management tilt is now vertical in favor of management, since they can refuse to bargain with a union, then after a certain amount of such “bargaining” has been done, declare an impasse and IMPOSE THEIR WILL.

    If this new party has any smarts, they will forget the “issues” facade and just work to restore fair collective-bargaining laws, without which they may as well stay in bed.

  2. Kristopher says:

    Gasp … you mean that a business manager can choose not to hire union workers, and not be punished by the state for doing so?


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