No Foreign Interference

Unless it’s from Lebanon’s “Syrian Brothers”, that is. I’ve gotten a couple of e-mails about how come I haven’t noted that the Hezboolah demonstration dwarfed the Lebanon democracy demonstration. I guess it’s a fair point, as far as it goes. But there are a couple of things worth noting – how many people at the pro-democracy protest were Lebanese. And how many people at the pro-Syrian demonstration – weren’t? It’s all smoke and mirrors, but it’s interesting that the left is more than eager to embrace Hezbollah as having legitimate claims to the sovereignty of Lebanon, while denigrating the US efforts to bring democracy to the middle east as a false dream offered by an occupying force. Got that? Americans in Iraq = occupiers = bad. Syrians in Lebanon = stabilizing force in a country that can’t govern itself = good.

I’ve posted a couple of photos of Lebanese women taking part in the pro-democracy demonstration. I got sent a link to this photo, showing a woman at the pro-Syrian demonstration:


Yep, there’s a woman in the photo all right. A. Woman. As in singular, only one, surrounded by a sea of men. Now maybe it’s just a fluke of the photo angle, and there’s really thousands of women just off frame supporting Syria. But I’m betting not. I’m betting, instead, that the reason that there are so many more women at the pro-democracy rallies is that they truly represent the population of Lebanon – a population that sees what has happened elsewhere in the region, and wonders why it can’t take part in that change.

As you may know, we have an extensive R&D budget here at RNS. We used potent anti-terrorist filtering technology on this photo, just to see what would happen. The technology works by accentuating people who are NOT terrorists, helping to identify innocent individuals in chaotic scenes.


Mmmmmm, OK. We admit that we don’t actually have any money for R&D here at RNS. And we chose to hilight the woman purely to advance the “protest babes” meme that has been running around the ‘sphere the past couple of days. But, all kidding aside, you look at the photos of the 2 protests, and then honestly tell me which one you believe represents the people of Lebanon.

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2 Responses to No Foreign Interference

  1. Sorry, old bean. If you’re trying to convert any Moonbats, you need to hit them with the ClueBat. So, I will point out that the woman is wearing modern Western clothing, has a modern (if ugly) Western hairstyle, and is sitting on the shoulders of a Western-dressed man, in a crowd of other Western-dressed men.

    Down in the Bekaa Valley, where Hezbollah reigns supreme, the woman would be stoned to death for that Blasphemy Against Islam, and the supporting males would probably be shot or blown up with a car bomb, or forced into the Hezbollah as suicide bombers.

  2. Didn’t finish. Got buck fever and hit Post too soon.

    What I needed to say was that the Westernized woman owes her Western ass to the pro-democratic customs of Lebanon, not Hezbollah. Likewise the Westernized men.

    THAT’S the cluebat clue.

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