They’re Happy to be Ignorant

That is what a lot of leftists think about Americans, especially the ones who voted for Bush.

But this time, we’re talking about those junior Americans, the Canucks.

Nuclear siren plan debated

Forty-six air-raid-style sirens, purchased for $1.6 million more than a year ago for Pickering and Darlington nuclear stations, are gathering dust in an Ajax warehouse while Pickering politicians try to come up with an alternative that doesn’t make as much noise.

In Pickering, local opposition to the 27 planned sirens has been strong in the Bay Ridges and West Shore communities, where residents feel the sirens would lower property values and possibly create panic if they ever sounded.

“I’m 100 per cent against them (sirens),” said Doug Dickerson, city councillor for the area. “They are archaic, World War II-vintage, like those used during the air raids over London,” he said in an interview.

Maybe the councilor would be happier if the nuclear power plants just paged everyone when the meltdown starts?

Found @ Ravenwood’s Universe


In related news;

Some of the people in the small town of Orting, Washington evacuated when the Lahar sirens went off yesterday. Unfortunately, it was an accidental signal.

For those who do not live near the foot of a dormant volcano, a ‘Lahar’ is the mudflow caused by volcanic activity.

Officials are trying to figure out how sirens warning of a mud flow from Mount Rainier were inadvertently activated on Tuesday morning.

At least three of the six lahar sirens in Orting went off just after 8 a.m.

Officials said there was no sign of volcanic unrest at Mount Rainier.


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